Paolo Cifani
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Cited by
A comparison between the surface compression method and an interface reconstruction method for the VOF approach
P Cifani, WR Michalek, GJM Priems, JGM Kuerten, CWM van der Geld, ...
Computers & Fluids 136, 421-435, 2016
Highly scalable DNS solver for turbulent bubble-laden channel flow
P Cifani, JGM Kuerten, BJ Geurts
Computers & Fluids 172, 67-83, 2018
Theoretical stress analysis of rotating hyperbolic disk without singularities subjected to thermal load
F Vivio, V Vullo, P Cifani
Journal of Thermal Stresses 37 (2), 117-136, 2014
An efficient geometric method for incompressible hydrodynamics on the sphere
P Cifani, M Viviani, K Modin
Journal of Computational Physics 473, 111772, 2023
Casimir preserving spectrum of two-dimensional turbulence
P Cifani, M Viviani, E Luesink, K Modin, BJ Geurts
Physical Review Fluids 7 (8), 2022
Turbulent bubble-laden channel flow of power-law fluids: A direct numerical simulation study
F Bräuer, E Trautner, J Hasslberger, P Cifani, M Klein
Fluids 6 (1), 40, 2021
A direct numerical simulation analysis of coherent structures in bubble-laden channel flows
J Hasslberger, P Cifani, N Chakraborty, M Klein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 905, A37, 2020
Flow and bubble statistics of turbulent bubble-laden downflow channel
P Cifani, JGM Kuerten, BJ Geurts
International journal of multiphase flow 126, 103244, 2020
Data‐Driven Stochastic Lie Transport Modeling of the 2D Euler Equations
SR Ephrati, P Cifani, E Luesink, BJ Geurts
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15 (1), e2022MS003268, 2023
Analysis of a constant-coefficient pressure equation method for fast computations of two-phase flows at high density ratios
P Cifani
Journal of computational physics 398, 108904, 2019
Casimir preserving stochastic Lie–Poisson integrators
E Luesink, S Ephrati, P Cifani, B Geurts
Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models 2024 (1), 1, 2024
Data-driven stochastic spectral modeling for coarsening of the two-dimensional Euler equations on the sphere
SR Ephrati, P Cifani, M Viviani, BJ Geurts
Physics of Fluids 35 (9), 2023
Zeitlin truncation of a shallow water quasi‐geostrophic model for planetary flow
AD Franken, M Caliaro, P Cifani, BJ Geurts
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 16 (6), e2023MS003901, 2024
Mixed modeling for large-eddy simulation: The single-layer and two-layer minimum-dissipation-Bardina models
LB Streher, MH Silvis, P Cifani, R Verstappen
AIP advances 11 (1), 2021
Stochastic data-driven pod-based modeling for high-fidelity coarsening of two-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard turbulence
SR Ephrati, P Cifani, BJ Geurts
ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 209-214, 2023
Computational modeling for high-fidelity coarsening of shallow water equations based on subgrid data
SR Ephrati, E Luesink, G Wimmer, P Cifani, BJ Geurts
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 20 (4), 1468-1489, 2022
Sparse-stochastic model reduction for 2d Euler equations
P Cifani, S Ephrati, M Viviani
Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics Annual Workshop, 17-28, 2022
Data-driven spectral turbulence modelling for Rayleigh–Bénard convection
SR Ephrati, P Cifani, BJ Geurts
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 975, A35, 2023
DNS of turbulent bubble-laden channel flows
P Cifani
Towards LES of bubble-laden channel flows: sub-gridscale closures for momentum advection
E Trautner, J Hasslberger, T Trummler, P Cifani, R Verstappen, M Klein
Proceedings 13th ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence, Modelling and …, 2021
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Articles 1–20