Krish Thiagarajan Sharman
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Cited by
An investigation into the hydrodynamic efficiency of an oscillating water column
MT Morris-Thomas, RJ Irvin, KP Thiagarajan
An SPH projection method for simulating fluid-hypoelastic structure interaction
A Rafiee, KP Thiagarajan
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (33-36), 2785-2795, 2009
Low KC flow regimes of oscillating sharp edges I. Vortex shedding observation
L Tao, K Thiagarajan
Applied ocean research 25 (1), 21-35, 2003
Spacing effects on hydrodynamics of heave plates on offshore structures
L Tao, B Molin, YM Scolan, K Thiagarajan
Journal of Fluids and structures 23 (8), 1119-1136, 2007
Low KC flow regimes of oscillating sharp edges. II. Hydrodynamic forces
L Tao, K Thiagarajan
Applied ocean research 25 (2), 53-62, 2003
Simulation of the dam break problem and impact flows using a Navier-Stokes solver
K Abdolmaleki, KP Thiagarajan, MT Morris-Thomas
Simulation 13, 17, 2004
Effects of appendages and small currents on the hydrodynamic heave damping of TLP columns
KP Thiagarajan, AW Troesch
Effects of uniform surface roughness on vortex-induced vibration of towed vertical cylinders
KY Kiu, B Stappenbelt, KP Thiagarajan
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (20), 4753-4763, 2011
Extreme mooring tensions due to snap loads on a floating offshore wind turbine system
W Hsu, KP Thiagarajan, L Manuel
Marine Structures 55, 182-199, 2017
A review of floating platform concepts for offshore wind energy generation
KP Thiagarajan, HJ Dagher
Journal of offshore mechanics and Arctic engineering 136 (2), 020903, 2014
Study of liquid sloshing: numerical and experimental approach
A Rafiee, F Pistani, K Thiagarajan
Computational Mechanics 47, 65-75, 2011
Comparative study on the accuracy and stability of SPH schemes in simulating energetic free-surface flows
A Rafiee, S Cummins, M Rudman, K Thiagarajan
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 36, 1-16, 2012
Experimental measurements and data analysis of the impact pressures in a sloshing experiment
F Pistani, K Thiagarajan
Ocean engineering 52, 60-74, 2012
The run-up on a cylinder in progressive surface gravity waves: harmonic components
MT Morris-Thomas, KP Thiagarajan
Applied Ocean Research 26 (3-4), 98-113, 2004
Hydrodynamic coefficient estimation for TLP and Spar structures
M Lake, H He, AW Troesch, M Perlin, KP Thiagarajan
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 122 (2), 118-124, 2000
The air–water sloshing problem: Fundamental analysis and parametric studies on excitation and fill levels
KP Thiagarajan, D Rakshit, N Repalle
Ocean Engineering 38 (2-3), 498-508, 2011
Heave response of classic spar with variable geometry
L Tao, KY Lim, K Thiagarajan
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 126 (1), 90-95, 2004
Numerical analysis and wave tank validation on the optimal design of a two-body wave energy converter
D Martin, X Li, CA Chen, K Thiagarajan, K Ngo, R Parker, L Zuo
Renewable Energy 145, 632-641, 2020
Influence of heave plate geometry on the heave response of classic spars
KP Thiagarajan, I Datta, AZ Ran, L Tao, JE Halkyard
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 36118 …, 2002
Hydrodynamic heave damping estimation and scaling for tension leg platforms
KP Thiagarajan, AW Troesch
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Articles 1–20