Clinton Amos
Clinton Amos
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Cited by
Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising effectiveness: A quantitative synthesis of effect size
C Amos, G Holmes, D Strutton
International Journal of Advertising 27 (2), 209-234, 2008
A meta-analysis of consumer impulse buying
C Amos, GR Holmes, WC Keneson
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21 (2), 86-97, 2014
A comparative study of Internet addiction between the United States and China
L Zhang, C Amos, WC McDowell
CyberPsychology & Behavior 11 (6), 727-729, 2008
The Freegan phenomenon: anti-consumption or consumer resistance?
I Pentina, C Amos
European Journal of Marketing 45 (11-12), 11-12, 2011
“Natural” labeling and consumers’ sentimental pastoral notion
C Amos, I Pentina, TG Hawkins, N Davis
Journal of Product & Brand Management 23 (4/5), 268-281, 2014
All-natural versus organic: are the labels equivalent in consumers’ minds?
C Amos, JC Hansen, S King
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2019
Hardworking as a Heuristic for Moral Character: Why We Attribute Moral Values to Those Who Work Hard and Its Implications
C Amos, L Zhang, D Read
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-16, 2019
Disgust images and nonprofit children’s causes
AT Allred, C Amos
Journal of Social Marketing 8 (1), 120-140, 2018
Generating a visceral response
C Amos, N Spears
Journal of Advertising 39 (3), 25-38, 2010
Please Clap! How customer service quality perception affects the authenticity of sustainability initiatives
S Brockhaus, C Amos, AM Fawcett, AM Knemeyer, SE Fawcett
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 25 (4), 396-420, 2017
The influence of leader opportunism in B2B exchange
TG Hawkins, JE Lewin, C Amos
Journal of Business Research 65 (8), 1112-1118, 2012
Blinded by the light? Analyzing sustainability authenticity, customer service perceptions, and halo effects
C Amos, S Brockhaus, AM Fawcett, SE Fawcett, AM Knemeyer
The International Journal of Logistics Management 30 (1), 117-139, 2019
Exploring impact philanthropy, altruistic, hedonic, and egoistic motivations to support animal causes
C Amos, GR Holmes, A Allred
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 27 (4), 351-372, 2015
An exploratory investigation into how socioeconomic attributes influence coupons redeeming intentions
S Barat, C Amos, A Paswan, G Holmes
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2), 240-247, 2013
Testing a Model of Users' Web Risk Information Seeking Intention.
L Zhang, RJ Pavur, P York, C Amos
Informing Sci. Int. J. an Emerg. Transdiscipl. 16, 1-18, 2013
Do biodegradable labels lead to an eco-safety halo effect?
C Amos, A Allred, L Zhang
Journal of Consumer Policy 40, 279-298, 2017
The health halo of morality-and purity-signifying brand names
C Amos, J King, S King
Journal of Product & Brand Management 30 (8), 1262-1276, 2021
Twentieth century female ad images: Cultural interconnections, social learning, and the dialectical logic of advertising
N Spears, C Amos
Journal of Business Research 67 (4), 441-448, 2014
Does consumer scepticism negate the effects of visceral cues in weight loss advertising?
C Amos, S Landreth Grau
International Journal of Advertising 30 (4), 693-719, 2011
Aristotle’s modes of persuasion and valence effects on online review trustworthiness and usefulness
C Amos, L Zhang, S King, A Allred
Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (4), 1-32, 2022
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