Claude-Pierre Jeannerod
Claude-Pierre Jeannerod
Researcher at Inria (ENS de Lyon, France)
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Handbook of floating-point arithmetic
JM Muller, N Brisebarre, F De Dinechin, CP Jeannerod, L Vincent, ...
Birkhauser, 2009
On the complexity of polynomial matrix computations
P Giorgi, CP Jeannerod, G Villard
Proceedings of the 2003 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 2003
Improved error bounds for inner products in floating-point arithmetic
CP Jeannerod, SM Rump
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34 (2), 338-344, 2013
On relative errors of floating-point operations: optimal bounds and applications
CP Jeannerod, SM Rump
Mathematics of computation 87 (310), 803-819, 2018
Rank-profile revealing Gaussian elimination and the CUP matrix decomposition
CP Jeannerod, C Pernet, A Storjohann
Journal of Symbolic Computation 56, 46-68, 2013
Solving structured linear systems with large displacement rank
A Bostan, CP Jeannerod, É Schost
Theoretical Computer Science 407 (1-3), 155-181, 2008
Faster algorithms for multivariate interpolation with multiplicities and simultaneous polynomial approximations
MFI Chowdhury, CP Jeannerod, V Neiger, E Schost, G Villard
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (5), 2370-2387, 2015
Essentially optimal computation of the inverse of generic polynomial matrices
CP Jeannerod, G Villard
Journal of Complexity 21 (1), 72-86, 2005
Computing minimal interpolation bases
CP Jeannerod, V Neiger, É Schost, G Villard
Journal of Symbolic Computation 83, 272-314, 2017
Further analysis of Kahan’s algorithm for the accurate computation of 2× 2 determinants
CP Jeannerod, N Louvet, JM Muller
Mathematics of Computation 82 (284), 2245-2264, 2013
Improved backward error bounds for LU and Cholesky factorizations
SM Rump, CP Jeannerod
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 35 (2), 684-698, 2014
Computing floating-point square roots via bivariate polynomial evaluation
CP Jeannerod, H Knochel, C Monat, G Revy
IEEE Transactions on Computers 60 (2), 214-227, 2010
Fast computation of minimal interpolation bases in Popov form for arbitrary shifts
CP Jeannerod, V Neiger, É Schost, G Villard
Proceedings of the ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic …, 2016
Floating-point arithmetic
S Boldo, CP Jeannerod, G Melquiond, JM Muller
Acta Numerica 32, 203-290, 2023
Asymptotically fast polynomial matrix algorithms for multivariable systems
CP Jeannerod, G Villard
International Journal of Control 79 (11), 1359-1367, 2006
On matrices with displacement structure: generalized operators and faster algorithms
A Bostan, CP Jeannerod, C Mouilleron, É Schost
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (3), 733-775, 2017
A reduction algorithm for matrices depending on a parameter
CP Jeannerod, E Pflügel
Proceedings of the 1999 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1999
Midpoints and exact points of some algebraic functions in floating-point arithmetic
CP Jeannerod, N Louvet, JM Muller, A Panhaleux
IEEE Transactions on Computers 60 (2), 228-241, 2010
Fast computation of approximant bases in canonical form
CP Jeannerod, V Neiger, G Villard
Journal of Symbolic Computation 98, 192-224, 2020
Error bounds on complex floating-point multiplication with an FMA
CP Jeannerod, P Kornerup, N Louvet, JM Muller
Mathematics of Computation 86 (304), 881-898, 2017
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Articles 1–20