Helmut Alt
Helmut Alt
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Computing the Fréchet distance between two polygonal curves
H Alt, M Godau
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 5 (01n02), 75-91, 1995
Discrete geometric shapes: Matching, interpolation, and approximation
H Alt, LJ Guibas
Handbook of computational geometry, 121-153, 2000
Congruence, similarity, and symmetries of geometric objects
H Alt, K Mehlhorn, H Wagener, E Welzl
Discrete & Computational Geometry 3 (3), 237-256, 1988
Approximate matching of polygonal shapes
H Alt, B Behrends, J Blömer
Proceedings of the seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 186-193, 1991
Matching planar maps
H Alt, A Efrat, G Rote, C Wenk
Journal of algorithms 49 (2), 262-283, 2003
Computing a maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph in time O (n1. 5mlog n)
H Alt, N Blum, K Mehlhorn, M Paul
Information Processing Letters 37 (4), 237-240, 1991
Measuring the resemblance of polygonal curves
H Alt, M Godau
Proceedings of the eighth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 102-109, 1992
Comparison of distance measures for planar curves
H Alt, C Knauer, C Wenk
Algorithmica 38, 45-58, 2004
Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones
H Alt, T Hagerup, K Mehlhorn, FP Preparata
SIAM Journal on Computing 16 (5), 808-835, 1987
The Voronoi diagram of curved objects
H Alt, O Schwarzkopf
Proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 89-97, 1995
Minimum-cost coverage of point sets by disks
H Alt, EM Arkin, H Brönnimann, J Erickson, SP Fekete, C Knauer, ...
Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2006
Matching polygonal curves with respect to the Fréchet distance
H Alt, C Knauer, C Wenk
STACS 2001: 18th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 2001
Matching shapes with a reference point
H Alt, O Aichholzer, G Rote
Proceedings of the tenth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 85-92, 1994
The computational geometry of comparing shapes
H Alt
Efficient Algorithms: Essays Dedicated to Kurt Mehlhorn on the Occasion of …, 2009
New algorithmic approaches to protein spot detection and pattern matching in two‐dimensional electrophoresis gel databases
KP Pleißner, F Hoffmann, K Kriegel, C Wenk, S Wegner, A Sahlström, ...
ELECTROPHORESIS: An International Journal 20 (4‐5), 755-765, 1999
Approximate motion planning and the complexity of the boundary of the union of simple geometric figures
H Alt, R Fleischer, M Kaufmann, K Mehlhorn, S Näher, S Schirra, C Uhrig
Proceedings of the sixth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 281-289, 1990
Computing the Hausdorff distance of geometric patterns and shapes
H Alt, P Braß, M Godau, C Knauer, C Wenk
Discrete and computational geometry: The goodman-pollack festschrift, 65-76, 2003
Visibility graphs and obstacle-avoiding shortest paths
H Alt, E Welzl
Zeitschrift für Operations-Research 32, 145-164, 1988
Computing the Hausdorff distance between curved objects
H Alt, L Scharf
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 18 (04), 307-320, 2008
Approximation of convex polygons
H Alt, J Blömer, H Wagener
Automata, Languages and Programming: 17th International Colloquium Warwick …, 1990
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Articles 1–20