Aberdeen Leila Borders
Aberdeen Leila Borders
Professor Emerita, Kennesaw State University
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Weathering the storm: A social marketing perspective on disaster preparedness and response with lessons from Hurricane Katrina
DT Guion, DL Scammon, AL Borders
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 26 (1), 20-32, 2007
The heart in organizational buying: marketers’ understanding of emotions and decision-making of buyers
EA Kemp, AL Borders, NA Anaza, WJ Johnston
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 33 (1), 19-28, 2018
Beyond the dyad: electronic commerce and network perspectives in industrial marketing management
AL Borders, WJ Johnston, EE Rigdon
Industrial Marketing Management 30 (2), 199-205, 2001
The return on trade show information (RTSI): a conceptual analysis
H Bettis‐Outland, JS Cromartie, WJ Johnston, A Leila Borders
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 25 (4), 268-271, 2010
Tell me a story: The role of narrative transportation and the C-suite in B2B advertising
NA Anaza, E Kemp, E Briggs, AL Borders
Industrial Marketing Management 89, 605-618, 2020
Sales manager support: fostering emotional health in salespeople
E Kemp, A Leila Borders, JM Ricks
European Journal of Marketing 47 (3/4), 635-654, 2013
Can brand experience increase customer contribution: How to create effective sustainable touchpoints with customers?
K Aoki, E Obeng, AL Borders, DH Lester
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 29 (1), 51-62, 2019
Strategically surviving bankruptcy during a global financial crisis: The importance of understanding chapter 15
J Evans, AL Borders
Journal of Business Research 67 (1), 2738-2742, 2014
Customer‐initiated influence tactics in sales and marketing activities
A Leila Borders
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 21 (6), 361-375, 2006
Electronically wiring the network: Efficient consumer response (ECR) electronic data interchange (EDI) and interdependence
AL Borders, WJ Johnston
Journal of Competitiveness Studies 8 (1), 100, 2000
Into the mind of the seller: using neurophysiological tools to understand sales techniques
AB Randolph, AL Borders, TW Loe
2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 425-429, 2013
Sustainability by design: why firms and institutions do it
AL Borders, DH Lester
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 29 (1), 1-6, 2019
The path to adoption and advocacy: Exploring dimensions of brand experience and engagement at trade shows
PA Kennett-Hensel, E Kemp, K Williams, AL Borders
Event Management 23 (6), 871-881, 2019
High‐tech or high‐touch positioning for the regional business market: the case of County Community Bank
PA Kennett, JZ Sneath, A Leila Borders
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 19 (7), 484-495, 2004
Rationale and strategies of Latin American companies entering, maintaining or leaving US markets
AZ Vasquez‐Parraga, R Felix, A Leila Borders
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 19 (6), 359-371, 2004
Women outperform men in collegiate sales competitions: Are women’s sales skills better than men’s?
SA Inks, AL Borders, DH Lester, TW Loe
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 30 (4), 454-463, 2020
Why build sustainable relationships with customers?-The effects of “Ambassador Program”
K Aoki, RK Tudor, AL Borders, DH Lester
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 30 (3), 291-303, 2020
The Proliferating Singles' Population and Its Impact on a Transformative Marketing Landscape
KL Harris, AL Borders, KN Harris
Journal of Managerial Issues, 260-272, 2019
Managing emotions in personal selling: Examining the role of emotion regulation strategy in salespeople
E Kemp, AL Borders, JM Ricks
DigitalCommons@ Kennesaw State University, 2012
Proxemics and its effect on travelers during the sales contact in hotels
K Hashimoto, AL Borders
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 18 (3), 49-61, 2005
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Articles 1–20