Samsung R & D Institute, Bangalore, India
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Cuff-less PPG based continuous blood pressure monitoring—A smartphone based approach
A Gaurav, M Maheedhar, VN Tiwari, R Narayanan
2016 38th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2016
InstaBP: cuff-less blood pressure monitoring on smartphone using single PPG sensor
J Dey, A Gaurav, VN Tiwari
2018 40th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2018
Remote health monitoring system for detecting cardiac disorders
A Bansal, S Kumar, A Bajpai, VN Tiwari, M Nayak, S Venkatesan, ...
IET Systems Biology 9 (6), 309-314, 2015
A novel method for accurate estimation of HRV from smartwatch PPG signals
T Bhowmik, J Dey, VN Tiwari
2017 39th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2017
Estimation of urban population dynamics using DMSP-OLS night-time lights time series sensors data
BR Tripathy, V Tiwari, V Pandey, CD Elvidge, JS Rawat, MP Sharma, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (4), 1013-1020, 2016
Continuous monitoring of stress on smartphone using heart rate variability
S Mayya, V Jilla, VN Tiwari, MM Nayak, R Narayanan
2015 IEEE 15th international conference on bioinformatics and bioengineering …, 2015
In vivo detection of reduced Purkinje cell fibers with diffusion MRI tractography in children with autistic spectrum disorders
JW Jeong, VN Tiwari, ME Behen, HT Chugani, DC Chugani
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 110, 2014
Method and apparatus for health care
R Narayanan, VN Tiwari, S Sahoo, MM Nayak, SM Venkatesan, ...
US Patent App. 14/858,833, 2016
Quantifiable fitness tracking using wearable devices
A Bajpai, V Jilla, VN Tiwari, SM Venkatesan, R Narayanan
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
SCN2A mutation is associated with infantile spasms and bitemporal glucose hypometabolism
SK Sundaram, HT Chugani, VN Tiwari, A Huq
Pediatric neurology 49 (1), 46-49, 2013
Altered white matter structure of the dentatorubrothalamic pathway in children with autistic spectrum disorders
JW Jeong, DC Chugani, ME Behen, VN Tiwari, HT Chugani
The Cerebellum 11, 957-971, 2012
Thalamic abnormalities in children with continuous spike‐wave during slow‐wave sleep: an F‐18‐fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography perspective
R Agarwal, A Kumar, VN Tiwari, H Chugani
Epilepsia 57 (2), 263-271, 2016
New radiosynthesis of 2-deoxy-2-[18F] fluoroacetamido-D-glucopyranose and its evaluation as a bacterial infections imaging agent
ME Martínez, Y Kiyono, S Noriki, K Inai, KS Mandap, M Kobayashi, T Mori, ...
Nuclear medicine and biology 38 (6), 807-817, 2011
Relationship between aberrant brain connectivity and clinical features in Angelman Syndrome: a new method using tract based spatial statistics of DTI color-coded orientation maps
VN Tiwari, J Jeong, BJ Wilson, ME Behen, HT Chugani, SK Sundaram
Neuroimage 59 (1), 349-355, 2012
Automatic detection of primary motor areas using diffusion MRI tractography: comparison with functional MRI and electrical stimulation mapping
JW Jeong, E Asano, EC Brown, VN Tiwari, DC Chugani, HT Chugani
Epilepsia 54 (8), 1381-1390, 2013
Automatic labeling method for injectable 15O-oxygen using hemoglobin-containing liposome vesicles and its application for measurement of brain oxygen consumption by PET
VN Tiwari, Y Kiyono, M Kobayashi, T Mori, T Kudo, H Okazawa, ...
Nuclear medicine and biology 37 (1), 77-83, 2010
Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism of Rats using Injectable 15O-Oxygen with a Steady-State Method
M Kobayashi, T Mori, Y Kiyono, VN Tiwari, R Maruyama, K Kawai, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 32 (1), 33-40, 2012
GearVision: smartphone based head mounted perimeter for detection of visual field defects
T Sircar, A Mishra, A Bopardikar, VN Tiwari
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2018
Infantile spasms are associated with abnormal copy number variations
VN Tiwari, SK Sundaram, HT Chugani, A Huq
Journal of Child Neurology 28 (10), 1191-1196, 2013
A sensitive diffusion tensor imaging quantification method to detect language laterality in children: correlation with the Wada test
VN Tiwari, JW Jeong, E Asano, R Rothermel, C Juhasz, HT Chugani
Journal of child neurology 26 (12), 1516-1521, 2011
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Articles 1–20