Mohammed M. Al Barbarawi
Mohammed M. Al Barbarawi
Division of Neurosurgery. Department of Neuroscience. Faculty of Medicine. Jordan University of Science & Technology
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Cited by
Migration of the distal catheter of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt in hydrocephalus: a comprehensive analytical review from an anatomical perspective
MZ Allouh, MM Al Barbarawi, HA Asfour, RS Said
Clinical Anatomy 30 (6), 821-830, 2017
Cervical lateral mass screw-rod fixation: Surgical experience with 2500 consecutive screws, an analytical review, and long-term outcomes
MM Al Barbarawi, MZ Allouh
British journal of neurosurgery 29 (5), 699-704, 2015
Morphometric analysis of the corpus callosum according to age and sex in Middle Eastern Arabs: racial comparisons and clinical correlations to autism spectrum disorder
MZ Allouh, MM Al Barbarawi, HA Ali, AG Mustafa, SO Alomari
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 14, 30, 2020
Glioblastoma and ABO blood groups: further evidence of an association between the distribution of blood group antigens and brain tumours
MZ Allouh, MM Al Barbarawi, MY Hiasat, MA Al-Qaralleh, EI Ababneh
Blood Transfusion 15 (6), 543, 2016
Fresh onion juice enhanced copulatory behavior in male rats with and without paroxetine-induced sexual dysfunction
MZ Allouh, HM Daradka, MMA Barbarawi, AG Mustafa
Experimental biology and medicine 239 (2), 177-182, 2014
Haemorrhagic brain metastasis from a thymic carcinoma
M Al-Barbarawi, SF Smith, LHS Sekhon
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 11 (2), 190-194, 2004
Migration of the distal catheter of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt in hydrocephalus patients
MZ Allouh, MM Al Barbarawi, MH Hiasat, BA Abuzayed
Neurosciences Journal 22 (4), 298-302, 2017
Management of massive calcified transdural thoracic disk herniation
M Al-Barbarawi, LHS Sekhon
Journal of clinical neuroscience 10 (6), 707-710, 2003
Multiple cerebral and leptomeningeal metastases from ovarian carcinoma: unusual early presentation
M al Barbarawi, SF Smith, S Qudsieh, LHS Sekhon
Journal of clinical neuroscience 12 (6), 697-699, 2005
Cervical decompressive laminectomy and lateral mass screw-rod arthrodesis: surgical experience and analytical review of 4120 consecutive screws
MM Al Barbarawi, MZ Allouh, SM Qudsieh, A Barbarawi
British Journal of Neurosurgery 35 (4), 480-485, 2021
Protection of the C1 posterior arch in atlantal lateral mass fixation: technical case report
M Al-Barbarawi, LHS Sekhon
Journal of clinical neuroscience 12 (1), 59-61, 2005
Successful use of neurovascular plug for embolization of scalp arteriovenous fistula: a novel technique
K Alawneh, M Al-Barbarawi, MA Qawasmeh, LA Raffee, AH Al-Mistarehi
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 29 (6), 827-834, 2022
Successful management of a unique condition of isolated intracranial mucormycosis in an immunocompetent child
MM Al Barbarawi, MZ Allouh
Pediatric Neurosurgery 50 (3), 165-167, 2015
Management of chronic subdural hematoma: A study from Jordan
S Jarrar, MM Al Barbarawi, SS Daoud, QA Samara, AA Qarqash, ...
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 17 (6), 1021-1030, 2022
Unique case of successful surgical treatment of recurrent spinal epidural hematoma after lumbar disc surgery in a Glanzmann thrombasthenia patient
MM Al Barbarawi, MZ Allouh, ZA Audat, AJ Aleshawi, OM Al-Shari
British Journal of Neurosurgery 37 (4), 853-855, 2023
Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors of the central nervous system
MMA Al Barbarawi, MZ Allouh, SMA Qudsieh
Histopathology: Reviews and Recent Advances, 195, 2012
An in Depth Look Into Intracranial Abscesses and Empyemas: a Ten-year Experience in a Single Institute
S Jarrar, MM Al Barbarawi, SS Daoud, YB Ahmed, LM Al-Kraimeen, ...
Medical Archives 76 (3), 183, 2022
Isolated tectal cavernomas: A comprehensive literature review with a case presentation
MM Al Barbarawi, HA Asfour, SM Qudsieh, SO Alomari, AM Barbarawi, ...
Heliyon 8 (4), 2022
Operative versus non-operative management of posterior fossa epidural hematoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis
SS Daoud, MA Jamous, MM Al Barbarawi, S Jarrar, A Jaradat, AS Aljabali, ...
Neurochirurgie 70 (5), 101578, 2024
The impact of COVID-19 on the Neurosurgery practice in the North of Jordan
MM Al Barbarawi, OF Jbarah, AA Alomari
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 22, 100793, 2020
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Articles 1–20