Martin R. West
Martin R. West
Academic Dean and Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Education
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Cited by
Beyond the 30-million-word gap: Children’s conversational exposure is associated with language-related brain function
RR Romeo, JA Leonard, ST Robinson, MR West, AP Mackey, ML Rowe, ...
Psychological science 29 (5), 700-710, 2018
Promise and paradox: Measuring students’ non-cognitive skills and the impact of schooling
MR West, MA Kraft, AS Finn, RE Martin, AL Duckworth, CFO Gabrieli, ...
Educational evaluation and policy analysis 38 (1), 148-170, 2016
Class-size effects in school systems around the world: Evidence from between-grade variation in TIMSS
L Wößmann, M West
European Economic Review 50 (3), 695-736, 2006
School accountability, autonomy and choice around the world
L Woessmann, G Schutz, E Luedemann, MR West
Edward Elgar, 2009
No child left behind?: The politics and practice of school accountability
PE Peterson, MR West
Brookings Institution Press, 2003
Self‐interest, social beliefs, and attitudes to redistribution. Re‐addressing the issue of cross‐national variation
K Linos, M West
European Sociological Review 19 (4), 393-409, 2003
The Non-Cognitive Returns to Class Size
TS Dee, MR West
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 33 (1), 23-46, 2011
Language exposure relates to structural neural connectivity in childhood
RR Romeo, J Segaran, JA Leonard, ST Robinson, MR West, AP Mackey, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (36), 7870-7877, 2018
Does an Urban Teacher Residency Increase Student Achievement? Early Evidence From Boston
JP Papay, MR West, JB Fullerton, TJ Kane
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2012
Endogenous stratification in randomized experiments
A Abadie, MM Chingos, MR West
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (4), 567-580, 2018
‘Every Catholic Child in a Catholic School’: Historical Resistance to State Schooling, Contemporary Private Competition and Student Achievement across Countries*
MR West, L Woessmann
The Economic Journal 120 (546), F229-F255, 2010
The effects of test-based retention on student outcomes over time: Regression discontinuity evidence from Florida
G Schwerdt, MR West, MA Winters
Journal of Public Economics 152, 154-169, 2017
The efficacy of choice threats within school accountability systems: Results from legislatively induced experiments
MR West, PE Peterson
The Economic Journal 116 (510), C46-C62, 2006
Neuroanatomical correlates of the income-achievement gap
AP Mackey, AS Finn, JA Leonard, DS Jacoby-Senghor, MR West, ...
Psychological science 26 (6), 925-933, 2015
Cognitive skills, student achievement tests, and schools
AS Finn, MA Kraft, MR West, JA Leonard, CE Bish, RE Martin, ...
Psychological science 25 (3), 736-744, 2014
The impact of alternative grade configurations on student outcomes through middle and high school
G Schwerdt, MR West
Journal of Public Economics 97, 308-326, 2012
Trends in student social-emotional learning: Evidence from the first large-scale panel student survey
MR West, L Pier, H Fricke, H Hough, S Loeb, RH Meyer, AB Rice
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 42 (2), 279-303, 2020
Growing pains: The school consolidation movement and student outcomes
CR Berry, MR West
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 26 (1), 1-29, 2010
Weak markets, strong teachers: Recession at career start and teacher effectiveness
M Nagler, M Piopiunik, MR West
Journal of Labor Economics 38 (2), 453-500, 2020
Development and implementation of student social-emotional surveys in the CORE Districts
MR West, K Buckley, SB Krachman, N Bookman
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 55, 119-129, 2018
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Articles 1–20