Fadi Aloul
Cited by
Cited by
Internet of things (IoT) security: Current status, challenges and prospective measures
R Mahmoud, T Yousuf, F Aloul, I Zualkernan
2015 10th international conference for internet technology and secured …, 2015
Two factor authentication using mobile phones
F Aloul, S Zahidi, W El-Hajj
2009 IEEE/ACS international conference on computer systems and applications …, 2009
A mobile GPRS-sensors array for air pollution monitoring
AR Al-Ali, I Zualkernan, F Aloul
IEEE Sensors Journal 10 (10), 1666-1671, 2010
Smart grid security: Threats, vulnerabilities and solutions
F Aloul, AR Al-Ali, R Al-Dalky, M Al-Mardini, W El-Hajj
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 1 (1), 1-6, 2012
The need for effective information security awareness
FA Aloul
Journal of advances in information technology 3 (3), 176-183, 2012
Generic ILP versus specialized 0-1 ILP: An update
FA Aloul, A Ramani, IL Markov, KA Sakallah
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided …, 2002
Mobile RFID Tracking System
NF A. Al-Ali, F. Aloul, N. Aji, A. Al-Zarouni
IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies …, 2008
A comparative study of two Boolean formulations of FPGA detailed routing constraints
GJ Nam, F Aloul, K Sakallah, R Rutenbar
Proceedings of the 2001 international symposium on Physical design, 222-227, 2001
Efficient symmetry breaking for boolean satisfiability
FA Aloul, KA Sakallah, IL Markov
IEEE Transactions on Computers 55 (5), 549-558, 2006
Solving Difficult SAT Instances in the Presence of Symmetry
KS F. Aloul, A. Ramani, I. Markov
Symposium on the Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, 2002
Solving difficult instances of boolean satisfiability in the presence of symmetry
FA Aloul, A Ramani, IL Markov, KA Sakallah
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2003
PBS: a backtrack-search pseudo-boolean solver and optimizer
FA Aloul, A Ramani, I Markov, K Sakallah
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Theory and Applications of …, 2002
Current and future trends in sensor networks: a survey
M Aboelaze, F Aloul
Second IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications …, 2005
Smart grid cyber security: Challenges and solutions
S Shapsough, F Qatan, R Aburukba, F Aloul, AR Al Ali
2015 international conference on smart grid and clean energy technologies …, 2015
Classifying obstructive sleep apnea using smartphones
M Al-Mardini, F Aloul, A Sagahyroon, L Al-Husseini
Journal of biomedical informatics 52, 251-259, 2014
FORCE: a fast and easy-to-implement variable-ordering heuristic
FA Aloul, IL Markov, KA Sakallah
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, 116-119, 2003
Towards understanding phishing victims' profile
A Darwish, A El Zarka, F Aloul
2012 International Conference on Computer Systems and Industrial Informatics …, 2012
Digital twin conceptual model within the context of internet of things
AR Al-Ali, R Gupta, T Zaman Batool, T Landolsi, F Aloul, A Al Nabulsi
Future Internet 12 (10), 163, 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) security: Current status, challenges and countermeasures
T Yousuf, R Mahmoud, F Aloul, I Zualkernan
International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR) 5 (4), 608-616, 2015
Shatter: Efficient Symmetry-Breaking for Boolean Satisfiability
KS F. Aloul, I. Markov
IEEE Design Automation Conference, 836-839, 2003
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Articles 1–20