Gulseli Baysu
Gulseli Baysu
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Can school diversity policies reduce belonging and achievement gaps between minority and majority youth? Multiculturalism, colorblindness, and assimilationism assessed
L Celeste, G Baysu, K Phalet, L Meeussen, J Kende
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (11), 1603-1618, 2019
Dual identity as a two-edged sword: Identity threat and minority school performance
G Baysu, K Phalet, R Brown
Social Psychology Quarterly 74 (2), 121-143, 2011
Minority adolescents in ethnically diverse schools: Perceptions of equal treatment buffer threat effects
G Baysu, L Celeste, R Brown, K Verschueren, K Phalet
Child development 87 (5), 1352-1366, 2016
Political mobilization of Dutch Muslims: Religious identity salience, goal framing, and normative constraints
K Phalet, G Baysu, M Verkuyten
Journal of Social Issues 66 (4), 759-779, 2010
Navigating the school system in Sweden, Belgium, Austria and Germany: School segregation and second generation school trajectories
G Baysu, H De Valk
Ethnicities 12 (6), 776-799, 2012
Fitting in: How the intergroup context shapes minority acculturation and achievement
K Phalet, G Baysu
European Review of Social Psychology 31 (1), 1-39, 2020
Relative group size and minority school success: The role of intergroup friendship and discrimination experiences
G Baysu, K Phalet, R Brown
British Journal of Social Psychology 53 (2), 328-349, 2014
How Diversity Approaches Affect Ethnic Minority and Majority Adolescents: Teacher-Student Relationship Trajectories and School Outcomes
G Baysu, J Hillekens, K Deaux, K Phalet
Child Development, 2020
Acculturation attitudes and social adjustment in British South Asian children: A longitudinal study
R Brown, G Baysu, L Cameron, D Nigbur, A Rutland, C Watters, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (12), 1656-1667, 2013
The up‐and downside of dual identity: Stereotype threat and minority performance
G Baysu, K Phalet
Journal of Social Issues 75 (2), 568-591, 2019
Staying on or dropping out? The role of intergroup friendship and perceived teacher support in minority and nonminority school careers
GÜİ Baysu, K Phalet
Teachers College Record 114 (5), 1-25, 2012
Beyond Muslim identity: Opinion-based groups in the Gezi Park protest
G Baysu, K Phalet
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 20 (3), 350– 366, 2017
Ethnicity and migration in Europe
K Phalet, G Baysu, K Van Acker
International encyclopaedia of the social and behavioral sciences, 142-147, 2015
The effects of ıntergroup perceptions and ıngroup ıdentifications on the political participation of the second-generation turkish migrants in the netherlands
G Baysu
Middle East Technical University, 2007
School trajectories of the second generation of Turkish immigrants in Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, and Germany: The role of school systems
G Baysu, A Alanya, HAG de Valk
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59 (5-6), 451-479, 2018
Can identification as Muslim increase support for reconciliation? The case of the Kurdish conflict in Turkey
G Baysu, C Coşkan, Y Duman
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 64, 43-53, 2018
Identifying city differences in perceived group discrimination among second-generation Turks and Moroccans in Belgium
A Alanya, G Baysu, M Swyngedouw
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (7), 1088-1110, 2015
The association between perceived discriminatory climate in school and student performance in math and reading: A cross-national analysis using PISA 2018
G Baysu, O Agirdag, J De Leersnyder
Journal of youth and adolescence 52 (3), 619-636, 2023
What Determines Voting Behaviors of Muslim Minorities in Europe: Muslim Identity or Left‐Right Ideology?
G Baysu, M Swyngedouw
Political Psychology, 2020
Reconciliation and intergroup forgiveness: The case of the Kurdish conflict in Turkey
G Baysu, C Coşkan
Turkish Studies 19 (5), 748-772, 2018
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Articles 1–20