Johannes Reiter
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Cited by
The molecular evolution of acquired resistance to targeted EGFR blockade in colorectal cancers
LA Diaz Jr, RT Williams, J Wu, I Kinde, JR Hecht, J Berlin, B Allen, I Bozic, ...
Nature 486 (7404), 537-540, 2012
Mutations driving CLL and their evolution in progression and relapse
DA Landau, E Tausch, AN Taylor-Weiner, C Stewart, JG Reiter, J Bahlo, ...
Nature 526 (7574), 525-530, 2015
Evolutionary dynamics of cancer in response to targeted combination therapy
I Bozic*, JG Reiter*, B Allen*, T Antal, K Chatterjee, P Shah, YS Moon, ...
eLife, 2:e00747, 2013
Origins of lymphatic and distant metastases in human colorectal cancer
K Naxerova, JG Reiter, E Brachtel, JK Lennerz, M van de Wetering, ...
Science 357 (6346), 55-60, 2017
Limited heterogeneity of known driver gene mutations among the metastases of individual patients with pancreatic cancer.
AP Makohon-Moore*, M Zhang*, JG Reiter*, I Bozic, B Allen, D Kundu, ...
Nature Genetics 49 (3), 358-366, 2017
Minimal functional driver gene heterogeneity among untreated metastases
JG Reiter*, AP Makohon-Moore*, JM Gerold*, A Heyde, MA Attiyeh, ...
Science 361 (6406), 1033-1037, 2018
An analysis of genetic heterogeneity in untreated cancers
JG Reiter, M Baretti, JM Gerold, AP Makohon-Moore, A Daud, ...
Nature Reviews Cancer 19 (11), 639-650, 2019
Increased stem cell proliferation in atherosclerosis accelerates clonal hematopoiesis
A Heyde, D Rohde, CS McAlpine, S Zhang, FF Hoyer, JM Gerold, ...
Cell 184 (5), 1348-1361. e22, 2021
A mathematical model of ctDNA shedding predicts tumor detection size
S Avanzini, DM Kurtz, JJ Chabon, EJ Moding, ..., JG Reiter
Science Advances 6 (50), eabc4308, 2020
Reconstructing metastatic seeding patterns of human cancers
JG Reiter, AP Makohon-Moore, JM Gerold, I Bozic, K Chatterjee, ...
Nature Communications 8, 14114, 2017
Growth dynamics in naturally progressing chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
M Gruber, I Bozic, I Leshchiner, D Livitz, K Stevenson, L Rassenti, ...
Nature 570 (7762), 474-479, 2019
Precancerous neoplastic cells can move through the pancreatic ductal system
AP Makohon-Moore*, K Matsukuma*, M Zhang*, JG Reiter*, JM Gerold*, ...
Nature 561 (7722), 201, 2018
Lymph node metastases develop through a wider evolutionary bottleneck than distant metastases
JG Reiter*, WT Hung*, IH Lee, S Nagpal, P Giunta, S Degner, G Liu, ...
Nature genetics 52 (7), 692-700, 2020
The evolutionary origins of recurrent pancreatic cancer
H Sakamoto, MA Attiyeh, JM Gerold, AP Makohon-Moore, A Hayashi, ...
Cancer Discovery 10 (6), 792-805, 2020
Single-cell mutational profiling enhances the clinical evaluation of AML MRD
A Ediriwickrema, A Aleshin, JG Reiter, MR Corces, T Köhnke, M Stafford, ...
Blood Advances 4 (5), 943-952, 2020
Multiregion whole-exome sequencing of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms reveals frequent somatic KLF4 mutations predominantly in low-grade regions
K Fujikura, W Hosoda, M Felsenstein, Q Song, JG Reiter, L Zheng, ...
Gut 70 (5), 928-939, 2021
Clonal replacement and heterogeneity in breast tumors treated with neoadjuvant HER2-targeted therapy
JL Caswell-Jin, K McNamara, JG Reiter, R Sun, Z Hu, Z Ma, J Ding, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 657, 2019
Consecutive seeding and transfer of genetic diversity in metastasis
A Heyde, JG Reiter, K Naxerova, MA Nowak
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 14129-14137, 2019
Forgiver triumphs in alternating Prisoner's Dilemma
BM Zagorsky*, JG Reiter*, K Chatterjee, MA Nowak
PLOS ONE 8 (12), e80814, 2013
Crosstalk in concurrent repeated games impedes direct reciprocity and requires stronger levels of forgiveness
JG Reiter*, C Hilbe*, DG Rand, K Chatterjee, MA Nowak
Nature Communications 9 (1), 555, 2018
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Articles 1–20