vincent courboulay
vincent courboulay
maître de conférence en informatique Université de La Rochelle
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Cited by
Possibilistic and probabilistic fuzzy clustering: unification within the framework of the non-extensive thermostatistics
M Ménard, V Courboulay, PA Dardignac
Pattern Recognition 36 (6), 1325-1342, 2003
Image complexity measure based on visual attention
MP Da Silva, V Courboulay, P Estraillier
Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on, 3281-3284, 2011
Attention analysis in interactive software for children with autism
AO Mohamed, V Courboulay, K Sehaba, M Ménard
Proceedings of the 8th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2006
A history of eye gaze tracking
AO Mohamed, MP Da Silva, V Courboulay
Vincent Courboulay. December 18, 2007
A survey on the current challenges of energy-efficient cloud resources management
I Hamzaoui, B Duthil, V Courboulay, H Medromi
SN Computer Science 1, 1-28, 2020
Environmental impacts of pre/during and post-lockdown periods on prominent air pollutants in France
H Ikhlasse, D Benjamin, C Vincent, M Hicham
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23 (9), 14140-14161, 2021
Evaluation of preys/predators systems for visual attention simulation
M Perreira Da Silva, V Courboulay, A Prigent, P Estraillier
VISAPP 2010-International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and …, 2010
Gameplay experience based on a gaze tracking system
MP Da Silva, V Courboulay, A Prigent
“Gaze-based Creativity, Interacting with Games and On-line Communities …, 2007
Real-time face tracking for attention aware adaptive games
M Perreira Da Silva, V Courboulay, A Prigent, P Estraillier
Computer Vision Systems, 99-108, 2008
Saliency Filtering of SIFT Detectors: Application to CBIR
D Awad, V Courboulay, A Revel
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 290-300, 2012
Lexicographical-based order for post-OCR correction of named entities
A Jean-Caurant, N Tamani, V Courboulay, JC Burie
2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2017
Implementation and evaluation of a computational model of attention for computer vision
MP Da Silva, V Courboulay
Developing and Applying Biologically-Inspired Vision Systems …, 2012
Adaptive storytelling based on model-checking approaches
N Rempulsk, A Prigent, P Estraillier, V Courboulay, M Perreira
International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation 5 (2), 2008
User activity characterization in a cultural heritage digital library system
C Suire, A Jean-Caurant, V Courboulay, JC Burie, P Estraillier
Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries …, 2016
A new hand representation based on kernels for hand posture recognition
VT Nguyen, TL Le, TH Tran, R Mullot, V Courboulay
2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and …, 2015
A method for hand detection based on Internal Haar-like features and Cascaded AdaBoost Classifier
VT Nguyen, TL Le, TH Tran, R Mullot, V Courboulay
The International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), 608-613, 2012
Fast, low resource, head detection and tracking for interactive applications
MP Da Silva, V Courboulay, A Prigent, P Estraillier
PsychNology Journal 7 (3), 243-264, 2009
Review of the Impact of IT on the Environment and Solution with a Detailed Assessment of the Associated Gray Literature
B Guillaume, D Benjamin, C Vincent
Sustainability 14 (4), 2457, 2022
Hand posture recognition using Kernel Descriptor
VT Nguyen, TL Le, TH Tran, R Mullot, V Courboulay
Procedia Computer Science 39, 154-157, 2014
Interactive system by observation and analysis of behavior for children with autism
K Sehaba, V Courboulay, P Estraillier
Accept Technology and Disability Journal, 2006
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Articles 1–20