Bruno Denis
Bruno Denis
Associate Professor, ENS Paris-Saclay, France
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Logic controllers dependability verification using a plant model
JM Machado, B Denis, JJ Lesage, JM Faure, JCLF Da Silva
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (17), 37-42, 2006
Safety properties verification of ladder diagram programs
JM Roussel, B Denis
Journal Européen des Systemes Automatisés (JESA) 36 (7), pp. 905-917, 2002
Evaluation of response time in Ethernet-based automation systems
G Marsal, B Denis, JM Faure, G Frey
2006 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 380-387, 2006
A generic approach to build plant models for DES verification purposes
J Machado, B Denis, JJ Lesage
2006 8th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 407-412, 2006
Measuring the impact of vertical integration on response times in Ethernet fieldbuses
B Denis, S Ruel, JM Faure, G Frey, G Marsal
2007 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (EFTA …, 2007
Formal verification of redundant media extension of ethernet powerlink
S Limal, S Potier, B Denis, JJ Lesage
2007 IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation (EFTA …, 2007
Formal verification of industrial controllers: with or without a plant model?
JJB Machado, B Denis, JJ Lesage
7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO'06, 2006
Increasing the efficiency of PLC program verification using a plant model
JJB Machado, B Denis, JJ Lesage, JM Faure, JCLF da Silva
6th International Conférence on Industrial Enginneering and Production …, 2003
Evaluation of real-time capabilities of Ethernet-based automation systems using formal verification and simulation
G Marsal, D Witsch, B Denis, JM Faure, G Frey
1ères Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Temps Réel (RJCITR'05), 27-30, 2005
Toward a theory of integrated modelling
B Denis, JJ Lesage, G Timon
revue des Sciences et Techniques de la Conception [International Journal of …, 1993
Eco-problem solving for the adaptive control of production systems: the CASPER project
C Sohier, B Denis, JJ Lesage
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (15), 607-612, 1998
Applying eco problem solving to the control of an adaptative manufacturing cell
C Sohier, B Denis, P Bourdet
IMACS-IEEE Multiconference Computational Engineering in Systems Applications …, 1996
Un panorama de la recherche en conception de la conduite des systèmes de production
B Denis, JJ Lesage
Congrés international de génie industriel de Montréal, 1995
Les grands traités de zootechnie et leur conception de cette discipline
B Denis, M Theret
Ethnozootechnie 54, 3-24, 1994
Communications reliability analysis in networked embedded systems
D Aza-Vallina, B Denis, JM Faure
Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management (ESREL 2011), 2639-2646, 2011
Validation du comportement dynamique des architectures de conduite des systèmes de production par simulation
P Meunier, B Denis
1ère conférence francophone de MOdélisationet de SIMulation: Systèmes de …, 1997
Formalization of the design of control systems
L Piétrac, B Denis, JJ Lesage
6th International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing (ISRAM'96) as part …, 1996
Temporal performance evaluation of control architecture in automation systems
P Meunier, B Denis, JJ Lesage
6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM 2007), CDRom paper …, 2007
Model of mechanism behavior for verification of PLC programs
JM Machado, B Denis, JJ Lesage, JM Faure, JF Silva
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas (ABCM), 2004
Safety analysis during the control architecture design of automated systems
P Meunier, JJ Lesage
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33 (11), 849-854, 2000
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Articles 1–20