Cited by
Cited by
Model transformation intents and their properties
L Lúcio, M Amrani, J Dingel, L Lambers, R Salay, GMK Selim, E Syriani, ...
Software & systems modeling 15 (3), 647-684, 2016
A tridimensional approach for studying the formal verification of model transformations
M Amrani, L Lucio, G Selim, B Combemale, J Dingel, H Vangheluwe, ...
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Advances in model-driven security
L Lucio, Q Zhang, PH Nguyen, M Amrani, J Klein, H Vangheluwe, ...
Advances in Computers 93, 103-152, 2014
Towards a model transformation intent catalog
M Amrani, J Dingel, L Lambers, L Lúcio, R Salay, G Selim, E Syriani, ...
Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations, 3-8, 2012
New SAR target recognition based on YOLO and very deep multi-canonical correlation analysis
M Amrani, A Bey, A Amamra
International Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (15-16), 5800-5819, 2022
Formal verification techniques for model transformations: A tridimensional classification
M Amrani, B Combemale, L Lúcio, G Selim, J Dingel, Y Le Traon, ...
The Journal of Object Technology 14 (3), 1: 1-43, 2015
An efficient feature selection for SAR target classification
M Amrani, K Yang, D Zhao, X Fan, F Jiang
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing–PCM 2017: 18th Pacific-Rim …, 2018
Multi-paradigm modelling for cyber–physical systems: a descriptive framework
M Amrani, D Blouin, R Heinrich, A Rensink, H Vangheluwe, A Wortmann
Software and Systems Modeling 20 (3), 611-639, 2021
Complex event processing for user-centric management of IoT systems
M Amrani, F Gilson, V Englebert
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2017
Towards a formal specification of multi-paradigm modelling
M Amrani, D Blouin, R Heinrich, A Rensink, H Vangheluwe, A Wortmann
2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2019
Featured model types: towards systematic reuse in modelling language engineering
G Perrouin, M Amrani, M Acher, B Combemale, A Legay, PY Schobbens
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Modeling in Software …, 2016
ML + FV = ? A Survey on the Application of Machine Learning to Formal Verification
M Amrani, L Lúcio, A Bibal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03600, 2018
Model-Based Mutation Operators for Timed Systems: a Taxonomy and Research Agenda
JJO Vega, G Perrouin, M Amrani, PY Schobbens
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2018
Security@Runtime: A Flexible MDE Approach to Enforce Fine-grained Security Policies
Y Elrakaiby, M Amrani, Y Le Traon
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: 6th International Symposium, ESSoS …, 2014
Multi-timed bisimulation for distributed timed automata
J Ortiz, M Amrani, PY Schobbens
NASA Formal Methods: 9th International Symposium, NFM 2017, Moffett Field …, 2017
A Formal Semantics of Kermeta
M Amrani
Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent …, 2013
Towards the Formal Verification of Model Transformations: An Application to Kermeta
M Amrani
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2013
State-of-the-art on Current Formalisms used in Cyber-Physical Systems Development
S Klikovits, R Al-Ali, M Amrani, A Barisic, F Barros, D Blouin, E Borde, ...
COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2019
Invariant preservation in iterative modeling
L Lúcio, E Syriani, M Amrani, Q Zhang, H Vangheluwe
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Models and Evolution, 57-62, 2012
Go Meta of Learned Cost Models: On the Power of Abstraction.
A Ouared, M Amrani, PY Schobbens
MODELSWARD, 43-54, 2023
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Articles 1–20