David Wheeler
David Wheeler
NSW Department of Primary Industries
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Cited by
Unique features of a global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome
JB Benoit, ZN Adelman, K Reinhardt, A Dolan, M Poelchau, EC Jennings, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10165, 2016
A massive expansion of effector genes underlies gall-formation in the wheat pest Mayetiola destructor
C Zhao, LN Escalante, H Chen, TR Benatti, J Qu, S Chellapilla, ...
Current Biology 25 (5), 613-620, 2015
Function and Evolution of DNA Methylation in Nasonia vitripennis
X Wang, D Wheeler, A Avery, A Rago, JH Choi, JK Colbourne, AG Clark, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (10), e1003872, 2013
Comparative Analyses of DNA Methylation and Sequence Evolution Using Nasonia Genomes
J Park, Z Peng, J Zeng, N Elango, T Park, D Wheeler, JH Werren, SV Yi
Molecular biology and evolution 28 (12), 3345-3354, 2011
Obligate mutualism within a host drives the extreme specialization of a fig wasp genome
JH Xiao, Z Yue, LY Jia, XH Yang, LH Niu, Z Wang, P Zhang, BF Sun, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-18, 2013
A novel intracellular mutualistic bacterium in the invasive ant Cardiocondyla obscurior
A Klein, L Schrader, R Gil, A Manzano-Marín, L Flórez, D Wheeler, ...
The ISME journal 10 (2), 376-388, 2016
Nasonia vitripennis venom causes targeted gene expression changes in its fly host
EO Martinson, D Wheeler, J Wright, Mrinalini, AL Siebert, JH Werren
Molecular ecology 23 (23), 5918-5930, 2014
GWAS hints at pleiotropic roles for FLOWERING LOCUS T in flowering time and yield-related traits in canola
H Raman, R Raman, Y Qiu, AS Yadav, S Sureshkumar, L Borg, M Rohan, ...
BMC genomics 20, 1-18, 2019
Characterization of an ancient lepidopteran lateral gene transfer
D Wheeler, AJ Redding, JH Werren
PloS one 8 (3), e59262, 2013
Genotype–Environment mismatch of kelp forests under climate change
S Vranken, T Wernberg, A Scheben, AA Severn‐Ellis, J Batley, PE Bayer, ...
Molecular Ecology 30 (15), 3730-3746, 2021
Expression of 10 S-Class SLF-like Genes in Nicotiana alata Pollen and Its Implications for Understanding the Pollen Factor of the S Locus
D Wheeler, E Newbigin
Genetics 177 (4), 2171-2180, 2007
Parasitoid venom induces metabolic cascades in fly hosts
Mrinalini, AL Siebert, J Wright, E Martinson, D Wheeler, JH Werren
Metabolomics 11, 350-366, 2015
An orphaned mammalian β-globin gene of ancient evolutionary origin
D Wheeler, R Hope, SJB Cooper, G Dolman, GC Webb, CDK Bottema, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (3), 1101-1106, 2001
The biosynthesis of nitrous oxide in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
M Plouviez, D Wheeler, A Shilton, M Packer, P McLenachan, ...
The Plant Journal 91 (1), 45–56, 2017
A new approach for investigating venom function applied to venom calreticulin in a parasitoid wasp
AL Siebert, D Wheeler, JH Werren
Toxicon 107, 304-316, 2015
Linkage of the β-like ω-globin gene to α-like globin genes in an Australian marsupial supports the chromosome duplication model for separation of globin gene clusters
D Wheeler, RM Hope, SJB Cooper, AA Gooley, RAB Holland
Journal of Molecular Evolution 58 (6), 642-652, 2004
The mammalian αD-globin gene lineage and a new model for the molecular evolution of α-globin gene clusters at the stem of the mammalian radiation
SJB Cooper, D Wheeler, A De Leo, JF Cheng, RAB Holland, JAM Graves, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 38 (2), 439-448, 2006
The venom gland transcriptome of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis highlights the importance of novel genes in venom function
A Sim, D Wheeler
BMC Genomics 17 (571), 2016
Transcriptomic study on persistence and survival of Listeria monocytogenes following lethal treatment with nisin
S Wu, PL Yu, D Wheeler, S Flint
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 15, 25-31, 2018
Novel 5-nitrofuran-activating reductase in Escherichia coli
VVH Le, IG Davies, CD Moon, D Wheeler, PJ Biggs, J Rakonjac
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 63 (11), e00868-19, 2019
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Articles 1–20