David Hewson
Cited by
Cited by
Stretching at the ankle joint: viscoelastic responses to holds and continuous passive motion
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 33 (3), 354-358, 2001
Variability of competitive performance of distance runners
WG Hopkins, DJ Hewson
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 33 (9), 1588-1592, 2001
Evaluation of driver discomfort during long-duration car driving
W El Falou, J Duchêne, M Grabisch, D Hewson, Y Langeron, F Lino
Applied ergonomics 34 (3), 249-255, 2003
Sitting time and risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
DP Bailey, DJ Hewson, RB Champion, SM Sayegh
American journal of preventive medicine 57 (3), 408-416, 2019
Fractal time series analysis of postural stability in elderly and control subjects
H Amoud, M Abadi, DJ Hewson, V Michel-Pellegrino, M Doussot, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 4, 1-12, 2007
Predicting maximal grip strength using hand circumference
K Li, DJ Hewson, J Duchêne, JY Hogrel
Manual therapy 15 (6), 579-585, 2010
Evolution in impedance at the electrode-skin interface of two types of surface EMG electrodes during long-term recordings
DJ Hewson, JY Hogrel, Y Langeron, J Duchêne
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 13 (3), 273-279, 2003
Breaking barriers: using the behavior change wheel to develop a tailored intervention to overcome workplace inhibitors to breaking up sitting time
SO Ojo, DP Bailey, ML Brierley, DJ Hewson, AM Chater
BMC public health 19, 1-17, 2019
The impact of active workstations on workplace productivity and performance: a systematic review
SO Ojo, DP Bailey, AM Chater, DJ Hewson
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (3), 417, 2018
Intrinsic mode entropy for nonlinear discriminant analysis
H Amoud, H Snoussi, D Hewson, M Doussot, J Duchene
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 14 (5), 297-300, 2007
Stiffness and passive peak force changes at the ankle joint: the effect of different joint angular velocities
PJ McNair, DJ Hewson, E Dombroski, SN Stanley
Clinical Biomechanics 17 (7), 536-540, 2002
Classifying NIR spectra of textile products with kernel methods
Y Langeron, M Doussot, DJ Hewson, J Duchêne
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 20 (3), 415-427, 2007
Perceived barriers and facilitators to breaking up sitting time among desk-based office workers: a qualitative investigation using the TDF and COM-B
SO Ojo, DP Bailey, DJ Hewson, AM Chater
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (16), 2903, 2019
Which activities threaten independent living of elderly when becoming problematic: inspiration for meaningful service robot functionality
S Bedaf, GJ Gelderblom, DS Syrdal, H Lehmann, H Michel, D Hewson, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 9 (6), 445-452, 2014
Factors influencing HIV disclosure among people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria: a systematic review using narrative synthesis and meta-analysis
DI Adeoye-Agboola, H Evans, D Hewson, Y Pappas
Public health 136, 13-28, 2016
User-centered development and testing of a monitoring system that provides feedback regarding physical functioning to elderly people
J Vermeulen, JCL Neyens, MD Spreeuwenberg, E van Rossum, W Sipers, ...
Patient preference and adherence, 843-854, 2013
The CARESSES randomised controlled trial: exploring the health-related impact of culturally competent artificial intelligence embedded into socially assistive robots and tested …
C Papadopoulos, N Castro, A Nigath, R Davidson, N Faulkes, R Menicatti, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics 14 (1), 245-256, 2022
Measuring grip strength in older adults: comparing the grip-ball with the Jamar dynamometer
J Vermeulen, JCL Neyens, MD Spreeuwenberg, E van Rossum, ...
Journal of geriatric physical therapy 38 (3), 148-153, 2015
Assistive technology design and development for acceptable robotics companions for ageing years
F Amirabdollahian, R Akker, S Bedaf, R Bormann, H Draper, V Evers, ...
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 4 (2), 94-112, 2013
Classification of elderly as fallers and non-fallers using centre of pressure velocity
DJ Hewson, NK Singh, H Snoussi, J Duchene
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20