Tatsuo Itoh
Tatsuo Itoh
Professor of Electrical Engineering, UCLA
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Cited by
Electromagnetic metamaterials: transmission line theory and microwave applications
C Caloz, T Itoh
John Wiley & Sons, 2005
A design of the low-pass filter using the novel microstrip defected ground structure
D Ahn, JS Park, CS Kim, J Kim, Y Qian, T Itoh
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 49 (1), 86-93, 2001
Composite right/left-handed transmission line metamaterials
A Lai, T Itoh, C Caloz
IEEE microwave magazine 5 (3), 34-50, 2004
Numerical techniques for microwave and millimeter-wave passive structures
T Itoh
(No Title), 1989
Leaky-wave antennas
DR Jackson, C Caloz, T Itoh
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (7), 2194-2206, 2012
A uniplanar compact photonic-bandgap (UC-PBG) structure and its applications for microwave circuit
FR Yang, KP Ma, Y Qian, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques 47 (8), 1509-1514, 1999
Novel 2-D photonic bandgap structure for microstrip lines
V Radisic, Y Qian, R Coccioli, T Itoh
IEEE Microwave and guided wave letters 8 (2), 69-71, 1998
Application of the transmission line theory of left-handed (LH) materials to the realization of a microstrip" LH line"
C Caloz, T Itoh
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (IEEE Cat. No …, 2002
Spectral domain immitance approach for dispersion characteristics of generalized printed transmission lines
T Itoh
IEEE transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 28 (7), 733-736, 1980
A novel composite right-/left-handed coupled-line directional coupler with arbitrary coupling level and broad bandwidth
C Caloz, A Sanada, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 52 (3), 980-992, 2004
Dominant mode leaky-wave antenna with backfire-to-endfire scanning capability
L Liu, C Caloz, T Itoh
Electronics Letters 38 (23), 1, 2002
Aperture-coupled patch antenna on UC-PBG substrate
R Coccioli, FR Yang, KP Ma, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques 47 (11), 2123-2130, 1999
Arbitrary dual-band components using composite right/left-handed transmission lines
IH Lin, M DeVincentis, C Caloz, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 52 (4), 1142-1149, 2004
Spectral-domain approach for calculating the dispersion characteristics of microstrip lines (short papers)
T Itoh, R Mittra
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 21 (7), 496-499, 1973
Transmission line approach of left-handed (LH) materials and microstrip implementation of an artificial LH transmission line
C Caloz, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation 52 (5), 1159-1166, 2004
Infinite wavelength resonant antennas with monopolar radiation pattern based on periodic structures
A Lai, KMKH Leong, T Itoh
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 55 (3), 868-876, 2007
A broadband planar quasi-Yagi antenna
N Kaneda, WR Deal, Y Qian, R Waterhouse, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 50 (8), 1158-1160, 2002
Metamaterial-based antennas
Y Dong, T Itoh
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (7), 2271-2285, 2012
Novel microwave devices and structures based on the transmission line approach of meta-materials
C Caloz, T Itoh
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 1, 195-198, 2003
A novel TEM waveguide using uniplanar compact photonic-bandgap (UC-PBG) structure
FR Yang, KP Ma, Y Qian, T Itoh
IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques 47 (11), 2092-2098, 1999
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Articles 1–20