Asier Villafranca
Asier Villafranca
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Investigations of repetition rate stability of a mode-locked quantum dot semiconductor laser in an auxiliary optical fiber cavity
S Breuer, W ElsaBer, JG McInerney, K Yvind, J Pozo, EAJM Bente, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46 (2), 150-157, 2009
Precise characterization of the frequency chirp in directly modulated DFB lasers
A Villafranca, J Lasobras, I Garcés
2007 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, 173-176, 2007
Measurement of the linewidth enhancement factor in DFB lasers using a high-resolution optical spectrum analyzer
A Villafranca, JA Lázaro, I Salinas, I Garcés
IEEE photonics technology letters 17 (11), 2268-2270, 2005
Stimulated Brillouin scattering gain profile characterization by interaction between two narrow-linewidth optical sources
A Villafranca, JA Lázaro, Í Salinas, I Garcés
Optics Express 13 (19), 7336-7341, 2005
Directly modulated VCSEL-based real-time 11.25-Gb/s optical OFDM transmission over 2000-m legacy MMFs
E Hugues-Salas, XQ Jin, RP Giddings, Y Hong, A Villafranca, JM Tang
IEEE Photonics Journal 4 (1), 143-154, 2011
Characterization of the main semiconductor laser static and dynamic working parameters from CW optical spectrum measurements
A Villafranca, J Lasobras, JA Lazaro, I Garces
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 43 (2), 116-122, 2007
Linewidth enhancement factor of semiconductor lasers: Results from Round-Robin measurements in COST 288
A Villafranca, J Lasobras, I Garces, G Giuliani, S Donati, M Chacinski, ...
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CThK1, 2007
Silicon-on-insulator chip-to-chip coupling via out-of-plane or vertical grating couplers
M Cabezón, I Garcés, A Villafranca, J Pozo, P Kumar, A Kaźmierczak
Applied Optics 51 (34), 8090-8094, 2012
Analysis of narrow-FSK downstream modulation in colourless WDM PONs
I Garces, JC Aguado, JJ Martinez, A Lopez, A Villafranca, MA Losada
Electron. Lett 43 (8), 471-472, 2007
Narrow-FSK optical packet labeling scheme for optical Ethernet networks
A López, I Garcés, MA Losada, JJ Martinez, A Villafranca, JA Lázaro
IEEE photonics technology letters 18 (16), 1696-1698, 2006
OFDM subcarrier monitoring using high resolution optical spectrum analysis
JM Fabrega, P Sevillano, MS Moreolo, A Villafranca, FJ Vílchez, ...
Optics Communications 342, 144-151, 2015
Multiple-bit all-optical logic based on cross-gain modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier
A Villafranca, I Garcés, M Cabezón, JJ Martínez, D Izquierdo, J Pozo
2010 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 1-4, 2010
Mode-resolved measurements of the linewidth enhancement factor of a Fabry–Pérot laser
A Villafranca, A Villafranca, G Giuliani, I Garcés
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 21 (17), 1256-1258, 2009
Programmable all-optical logic gates based on semiconductor optical amplifiers
A Villafranca, M Cabezón, D Izquierdo, JJ Martínez, I Garcés
2011 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 1-4, 2011
Experimental study of adaptive loading in IM/DD OFDM using in-band optical sub-carrier SNR monitoring
JM Fabrega, MS Moreolo, L Nadal, FJ Vilchez, A Villafranca, P Sevillano
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th2A. 12, 2016
Integrated multi-bit all-optical NOR gate for high speed data processing
M Cabezón, A Villafranca, JJ Martínez, D Izquierdo, I Garcés
Journal of lightwave technology 31 (8), 1178-1184, 2013
All-optical in-band OSNR measurement in intensity-modulated direct-detection optical OFDM systems
JM Fabrega, P Sevillano, MS Moreolo, JJ Martínez, A Villafranca, ...
2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2013
Analysis of the influence of backscattered optical power over bidirectional PON links
JJ Martínez, I Garcés, A López, A Villafranca, MA Losada
Optics communications 283 (10), 2243-2250, 2010
Time-resolved Chirp Measurements using complex Spectrum analysis based on stimulated Brillouin Scattering
A Villafranca, J Lasobras, R Escorihuela, R Alonso, I Garcés
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OWD4, 2008
Complex spectrum analysis of modulated optical signals using stimulated Brillouin scattering
A Villafranca, J Lasobras, R Alonso, FM López, I Garcés
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20 (23), 1938-1940, 2008
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Articles 1–20