Simon Benson
Simon Benson
Senior Lecturer in Naval Architecture, Newcastle University
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Cited by
Impact of CO2 impurity on CO2 compression, liquefaction and transportation
B Wetenhall, H Aghajani, H Chalmers, SD Benson, MC Ferrari, J Li, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 2764-2778, 2014
Design safety margin of a 10,000 TEU container ship through ultimate hull girder load combination analysis
EA Mohammed, SD Benson, SE Hirdaris, RS Dow
Marine Structures 46, 78-101, 2016
Compartment level progressive collapse analysis of lightweight ship structures
S Benson, J Downes, RS Dow
Marine Structures 31, 44-62, 2013
The influence of residual stress on the ultimate strength of longitudinally compressed stiffened panels
S Li, DK Kim, S Benson
Ocean Engineering, 108839, 2021
A comparison of computational methods to predict the progressive collapse behaviour of a damaged box girder
S Benson, A AbuBakar, RS Dow
Engineering Structures 48, 266-280, 2013
An analytical method to predict the buckling and collapse behaviour of plates and stiffened panels under cyclic loading
S Li, Z Hu, S Benson
Engineering Structures 199, 109627, 2019
Ultimate strength characteristics of aluminium plates for high-speed vessels
S Benson, J Downes, RS Dow
Ships and Offshore Structures 6 (1-2), 67-80, 2011
Load shortening characteristics of marine grade aluminium alloy plates in longitudinal compression
S Benson, J Downes, RS Dow
Thin-Walled Structures 70, 19-32, 2013
Progressive collapse assessment of lightweight ship structures
SD Benson
Newcastle University, 2011
Overall Buckling of Lightweight Stiffened Panels Using an Adapted Orthotropic Plate Method
S Benson, J Downes, RS Dow
Engineering Structures 85, 107-117, 2015
Progressive collapse analysis of ship hull girders subjected to extreme cyclic bending
S Li, Z Hu, S Benson
Marine Structures 73, 102803, 2020
The ISSC 2022 committee III. 1-Ultimate strength benchmark study on the ultimate limit state analysis of a stiffened plate structure subjected to uniaxial compressive loads
JW Ringsberg, I Darie, K Nahshon, G Shilling, MA Vaz, S Benson, ...
Marine structures 79, 103026, 2021
A probabilistic approach to assess the computational uncertainty of ultimate strength of hull girders
S Li, S Benson
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 213, 107688, 2021
An Investigation into the application and practical use of (UV) ultraviolet light technology for marine antifouling
E Ryan, S Turkmen, S Benson
Ocean Engineering 216, 107690, 2020
An adaptable algorithm to predict the load-shortening curves of stiffened panels in compression
S Li, DK Kim, S Benson
Ships and Offshore Structures 16 (sup1), 122-139, 2021
A re-evaluation of the hull girder shakedown limit states
S Li, SD Benson
Ships and Offshore Structures 14 (sup1), 239-250, 2019
A comparison of numerical methods to predict the progressive collapse of lightweight aluminium vessels
S Benson, J Downes, RS Dow
11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2011), 2011
An automated finite element methodology for hull girder progressive collapse analysis.
S Benson, J Downes, RS Dow
13th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC), 2012
Comparative analysis of fatigue life of a wind turbine yaw bearing with different support foundations
J Xu, S Benson, B Wetenhall
Ocean Engineering 235, 109293, 2021
A cyclic progressive collapse method to predict the bending response of a ship hull girder
S Li, ZQ Hu, SD Benson
Trends in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, 149-157, 2019
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Articles 1–20