Hugues Talbot
Hugues Talbot
CentraleSupelec Université Paris-Saclay
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Cited by
Mathematical morphology: from theory to applications
L Najman, H Talbot
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Power watershed: A unifying graph-based optimization framework
C Couprie, L Grady, L Najman, H Talbot
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 33 (7), 1384-1399, 2010
Advanced directional mathematical morphology for the detection of the road network in very high resolution remote sensing images
S Valero, J Chanussot, JA Benediktsson, H Talbot, B Waske
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (10), 1120-1127, 2010
The performance of SolarScan: an automated dermoscopy image analysis instrument for the diagnosis of primary melanoma
SW Menzies, L Bischof, H Talbot, A Gutenev, M Avramidis, L Wong, SK Lo, ...
Archives of dermatology 141 (11), 1388-1396, 2005
Directional morphological filtering
P Soille, H Talbot
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 23 (11), 1313 …, 2001
Globally minimal surfaces by continuous maximal flows
B Appleton, H Talbot
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 28 (1), 106-118, 2005
Integrating deep learning CT-scan model, biological and clinical variables to predict severity of COVID-19 patients
N Lassau, S Ammari, E Chouzenoux, H Gortais, P Herent, M Devilder, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-11, 2021
Cryo-electron tomography of nanoparticle transmigration into liposome
O Le Bihan, P Bonnafous, L Marak, T Bickel, S Trépout, S Mornet, ...
Journal of structural biology 168 (3), 419-425, 2009
Power watersheds: A new image segmentation framework extending graph cuts, random walker and optimal spanning forest
C Couprie, L Grady, L Najman, H Talbot
2009 IEEE 12th international conference on computer vision, 731-738, 2009
Obesity-mediated inflammation may damage the brain circuit that regulates food intake
F Cazettes, JI Cohen, PL Yau, H Talbot, A Convit
Brain research 1373, 101-109, 2011
Trastuzumab deruxtecan in metastatic breast cancer with variable HER2 expression: the phase 2 DAISY trial
F Mosele, E Deluche, A Lusque, L Le Bescond, T Filleron, Y Pradat, ...
Nature medicine 29 (8), 2110-2120, 2023
Unseeded Region Growing for 3D Image Segmentation.
Z Lin, J Jin, H Talbot
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 9, 31-37, 2000
A Majorize-Minimize Subspace Approach for Image Regularization
E Chouzenoux, A Jezierska, JC Pesquet, H Talbot
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 6 (1), 563-591, 2013
Globally optimal geodesic active contours
B Appleton, H Talbot
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 23, 67-86, 2005
The phase only transform for unsupervised surface defect detection
D Aiger, H Talbot
2010 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2010
Fast computation of morphological operations with arbitrary structuring elements
M Van Droogenbroeck, H Talbot
Pattern recognition letters 17 (14), 1451-1460, 1996
System and method for examining, recording and analyzing dermatological conditions
V Skladnev, A Gutenev, S Menzies, R Thompson, A Batrac, L Bischoff, ...
US Patent 6,993,167, 2006
Path openings and closings
H Heijmans, M Buckley, H Talbot
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 22, 107-119, 2005
A convex approach for image restoration with exact Poisson--Gaussian likelihood
E Chouzenoux, A Jezierska, JC Pesquet, H Talbot
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (4), 2662-2682, 2015
Complete ordering and multivariate mathematical morphology
H Talbot, C Evans, R Jones
Mathematical morphology and its applications to image and signal processing …, 1998
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Articles 1–20