Giovanni Viglietta
Cited by
Cited by
Classic Nintendo games are (computationally) hard
G Aloupis, ED Demaine, A Guo, G Viglietta
Theoretical Computer Science 586, 135-160, 2015
Mutual visibility by luminous robots without collisions
GA Di Luna, P Flocchini, SG Chaudhuri, F Poloni, N Santoro, G Viglietta
Information and Computation 254, 392-418, 2017
Gaming is a hard job, but someone has to do it!
G Viglietta
Theory of Computing Systems 54, 595-621, 2014
Distributed computing by mobile robots: uniform circle formation
P Flocchini, G Prencipe, N Santoro, G Viglietta
Distributed Computing 30, 413-457, 2017
Shape formation by programmable particles
GA Di Luna, P Flocchini, N Santoro, G Viglietta, Y Yamauchi
Distributed Computing 33 (1), 69-101, 2020
Rendezvous of two robots with visible bits
G Viglietta
Algorithms for Sensor Systems: 9th International Symposium on Algorithms and …, 2014
Rendezvous with constant memory
P Flocchini, N Santoro, G Viglietta, M Yamashita
Theoretical Computer Science 621, 57-72, 2016
Gathering in dynamic rings
GA Di Luna, P Flocchini, L Pagli, G Prencipe, N Santoro, G Viglietta
Theoretical Computer Science 811, 79-98, 2020
Robots with lights: Overcoming obstructed visibility without colliding
GA Di Luna, P Flocchini, S Gan Chaudhuri, N Santoro, G Viglietta
Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems: 16th …, 2014
The mutual visibility problem for oblivious robots
G Di Luna, P Flocchini, F Poloni, N Santoro, G Viglietta
26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2014, 2014
Getting close without touching: near-gathering for autonomous mobile robots
L Pagli, G Prencipe, G Viglietta
Distributed Computing 28, 333-349, 2015
Rendezvous of two robots with constant memory
P Flocchini, N Santoro, G Viglietta, M Yamashita
Structural Information and Communication Complexity: 20th International …, 2013
Square formation by asynchronous oblivious robots
M Mamino, G Viglietta
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.06093, 2016
Super Mario Bros. is harder/easier than we thought
ED Demaine, G Viglietta, A Williams
Distributed computing by mobile robots: Solving the uniform circle formation problem
P Flocchini, G Prencipe, N Santoro, G Viglietta
Principles of Distributed Systems: 18th International Conference, OPODIS …, 2014
Line recovery by programmable particles
GA Di Luna, P Flocchini, G Prencipe, N Santoro, G Viglietta
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 2018
Lemmings is PSPACE-complete
G Viglietta
Theoretical Computer Science 586, 120-134, 2015
Hardness of mastermind
G Viglietta
Fun with Algorithms: 6th International Conference, FUN 2012, Venice, Italy …, 2012
Robots with lights
GA Di Luna, G Viglietta
Distributed Computing by Mobile Entities: Current Research in Moving and …, 2019
TuringMobile: a turing machine of oblivious mobile robots with limited visibility and its applications
GAD Luna, P Flocchini, N Santoro, G Viglietta
Distributed Computing 35 (2), 105-122, 2022
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Articles 1–20