Kevin (Vin) Arceneaux
Cited by
Cited by
Changing minds or changing channels?: Partisan news in an age of choice
K Arceneaux, M Johnson
University of Chicago Press, 2013
Identifying the persuasive effects of presidential advertising
GA Huber, K Arceneaux
American Journal of Political Science 51 (4), 957-977, 2007
Who is mobilized to vote? A re‐analysis of 11 field experiments
K Arceneaux, DW Nickerson
American Journal of Political Science 53 (1), 1-16, 2009
Polarized political communication, oppositional media hostility, and selective exposure
K Arceneaux, M Johnson, C Murphy
The Journal of Politics 74 (1), 174-186, 2012
Who is held responsible when disaster strikes? The attribution of responsibility for a natural disaster in an urban election
K Arceneaux, RM Stein
Journal of Urban Affairs 28 (1), 43-53, 2006
HLA and autoimmunity
RRP de Vries, JJ Van Rood
Perspectives on autoimmunity, 1-17, 2020
Cognitive biases and the strength of political arguments
K Arceneaux
American Journal of Political Science 56 (2), 271-285, 2012
Public opinion in the American states: New perspectives using national survey data
P Brace, K Sims-Butler, K Arceneaux, M Johnson
American Journal of Political Science, 173-189, 2002
Can partisan cues diminish democratic accountability?
K Arceneaux
Political Behavior 30, 139-160, 2008
The behavioral immune system shapes political intuitions: Why and how individual differences in disgust sensitivity underlie opposition to immigration
L Aarĝe, MB Petersen, K Arceneaux
American Political Science Review 111 (2), 277-294, 2017
Modeling certainty with clustered data: A comparison of methods
K Arceneaux, DW Nickerson
Political analysis 17 (2), 177-190, 2009
The federal face of voting: Are elected officials held accountable for the functions relevant to their office?
K Arceneaux
Political Psychology 27 (5), 731-754, 2006
Educating the least informed: Group endorsements in a grassroots campaign
K Arceneaux, R Kolodny
American Journal of Political Science 53 (4), 755-770, 2009
The “gender gap” in state legislative representation: New data to tackle an old question
K Arceneaux
Political Research Quarterly 54 (1), 143-160, 2001
Do campaigns help voters learn? A cross-national analysis
K Arceneaux
British Journal of Political Science 36 (1), 159-173, 2006
Comparing experimental and matching methods using a large-scale voter mobilization experiment
K Arceneaux, AS Gerber, DP Green
Political Analysis 14 (1), 37-62, 2006
Direct democracy and the link between public opinion and state abortion policy
K Arceneaux
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 2 (4), 372-387, 2002
Taming intuition: How reflection minimizes partisan reasoning and promotes democratic accountability
K Arceneaux, RJ Vander Wielen
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Conservatives and liberals have similar physiological responses to threats
BN Bakker, G Schumacher, C Gothreau, K Arceneaux
Nature human behaviour 4 (6), 613-621, 2020
Public Opinion and Dynamic Representation in the American States: The Case of Environmental Attitudes*
M Johnson, P Brace, K Arceneaux
Social science quarterly 86 (1), 87-108, 2005
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Articles 1–20