Steve Gribble
Steve Gribble
Distinguished software engineer at google
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Cited by
Measurement study of peer-to-peer file sharing systems
S Saroiu, PK Gummadi, SD Gribble
Multimedia computing and networking 2002 4673, 156-170, 2001
Measurement, modeling, and analysis of a peer-to-peer file-sharing workload
KP Gummadi, RJ Dunn, S Saroiu, SD Gribble, HM Levy, J Zahorjan
Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles …, 2003
King: Estimating latency between arbitrary internet end hosts
KP Gummadi, S Saroiu, SD Gribble
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Internet measurment, 5-18, 2002
Cluster-based scalable network services
A Fox, SD Gribble, Y Chawathe, EA Brewer, P Gauthier
Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles …, 1997
An analysis of internet content delivery systems
S Saroiu, KP Gummadi, RJ Dunn, SD Gribble, HM Levy
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 36 (SI), 315-327, 2002
The impact of DHT routing geometry on resilience and proximity
K Gummadi, R Gummadi, S Gribble, S Ratnasamy, S Shenker, I Stoica
Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2003
Scale and performance in the Denali isolation kernel
A Whitaker, M Shaw, SD Gribble
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 36 (SI), 195-209, 2002
Measuring and analyzing the characteristics of Napster and Gnutella hosts
S Saroiu, KP Gummadi, SD Gribble
Multimedia systems 9 (2), 170-184, 2003
Adapting to network and client variability via on-demand dynamic distillation
A Fox, SD Gribble, EA Brewer, E Amir
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 30 (5), 160-170, 1996
Adapting to network and client variation using infrastructural proxies: Lessons and perspectives
A Fox, SD Gribble, Y Chawathe, EA Brewer
IEEE Personal Communications 5 (4), 10-19, 1998
The Ninja architecture for robust Internet-scale systems and services
SD Gribble, M Welsh, R Von Behren, EA Brewer, D Culler, N Borisov, ...
Computer Networks 35 (4), 473-497, 2001
Detection of spyware threats within virtual machine
S Gribble, H Levy, A Moshchuk, T Bragin
US Patent 8,196,205, 2012
Denali: Lightweight virtual machines for distributed and networked applications
A Whitaker, M Shaw, SD Gribble
Technical Report 02-02-01, University of Washington, 2002
Improving the Reliability of Internet Paths with One-hop Source Routing.
PK Gummadi, HV Madhyastha, SD Gribble, HM Levy, D Wetherall
OSDI 4, 13-13, 2004
System support for pervasive applications
R Grimm, J Davis, E Lemar, A Macbeth, S Swanson, T Anderson, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 22 (4), 421-486, 2004
A crawler-based study of spyware in the web.
A Moshchuk, T Bragin, SD Gribble, HM Levy
NDSS 1, 2, 2006
Tales of the tail: Hardware, os, and application-level sources of tail latency
J Li, NK Sharma, DRK Ports, SD Gribble
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 1-14, 2014
Scalable, distributed data structures for internet service construction
SD Gribble, EA Brewer, JM Hellerstein
Fourth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2000), 2000
Detection of spyware threats within virtual machine
S Gribble, H Levy, A Moshchuk, T Bragin
US Patent 9,043,913, 2015
A network architecture for heterogeneous mobile computing
EA Brewer, RH Katz, Y Chawathe, SD Gribble, T Hodes, G Nguyen, ...
IEEE Personal Communications 5 (5), 8-24, 1998
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Articles 1–20