The effects of stereotype activation on behavior: a review of possible mechanisms. SC Wheeler, RE Petty Psychological bulletin 127 (6), 797, 2001 | 1197 | 2001 |
Material priming: The influence of mundane physical objects on situational construal and competitive behavioral choice AC Kay, SC Wheeler, JA Bargh, L Ross Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 95 (1), 83-96, 2004 | 643 | 2004 |
The “Shaken Self”: Product Choices as a Means of Restoring Self‐View Confidence L Gao, SC Wheeler, B Shiv Journal of Consumer Research 36 (1), 29-38, 2009 | 570 | 2009 |
Understanding the role of the self in prime-to-behavior effects: The active-self account SC Wheeler, KG DeMarree, RE Petty Personality and Social Psychology Review 11 (3), 234-261, 2007 | 565 | 2007 |
Self‐Schema Matching and Attitude Change: Situational and Dispositional Determinants of Message Elaboration SC Wheeler, RE Petty, GY Bizer Journal of Consumer Research 31 (4), 787-797, 2005 | 475 | 2005 |
Discrepancies between explicit and implicit self-concepts: Consequences for information processing. P Briņol, RE Petty, SC Wheeler Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Personality and …, 2006 | 404 | 2006 |
Persuasion and attitude change RE Petty, SC Wheeler, ZL Tormala Handbook of psychology, 2003 | 345* | 2003 |
The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion: Developing health promotions for sustained behavioral change RE Petty, J Barden, SC Wheeler Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research 2, 185-214, 2009 | 337 | 2009 |
Personalization in email marketing: The role of noninformative advertising content NS Sahni, SC Wheeler, P Chintagunta Marketing Science 37 (2), 236-258, 2018 | 335 | 2018 |
Contextual priming: Where people vote affects how they vote J Berger, M Meredith, SC Wheeler Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (26), 8846, 2008 | 313 | 2008 |
Resistance to persuasion as self-regulation: Ego-depletion and its effects on attitude change processes SC Wheeler, P Briņol, AD Hermann Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (1), 150-156, 2007 | 279 | 2007 |
Think unto others: The self-destructive impact of negative racial stereotypes SC Wheeler, WBG Jarvis, RE Petty Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37 (2), 173-180, 2001 | 270 | 2001 |
Priming a new identity: self-monitoring moderates the effects of nonself primes on self-judgments and behavior. KG DeMarree, SC Wheeler, RE Petty Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 89 (5), 657, 2005 | 258 | 2005 |
Fictional narratives change beliefs: Replications of Prentice, Gerrig, and Bailis (1997) with mixed corroboration C Wheeler, MC Green, TC Brock Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 6, 136-141, 1999 | 236 | 1999 |
When the same prime leads to different effects SC Wheeler, J Berger Journal of Consumer Research 34 (3), 357-368, 2007 | 200 | 2007 |
The impact of personality on cognitive, behavioral, and affective political processes: The effects of need to evaluate GY Bizer, JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, S Christian Wheeler, DD Rucker, ... Journal of personality 72 (5), 995-1028, 2004 | 199 | 2004 |
We Are Not the Same as You and I: Causal Effects of Minor Language Variations on Consumers' Attitudes toward Brands A Sela, SC Wheeler, G Sarial-Abi Journal of Consumer Research 39 (3), 644-661, 2012 | 198 | 2012 |
Attitude functions and persuasion: An elaboration likelihood approach to matched versus mismatched messages RE Petty, SC Wheeler, GY Bizer Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes, 133-162, 2000 | 186 | 2000 |
The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion: Health promotions that yield sustained behavioral change RE Petty, J Barden, SC Wheeler Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research, 71-99, 2002 | 157 | 2002 |
Is there one persuasion process or more? Lumping versus splitting in attitude change theories RE Petty, SC Wheeler, GY Bizer Psychological Inquiry 10 (2), 156-163, 1999 | 147 | 1999 |