Ningsu Luo
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Cited by
Semiactive control methodologies for suspension control with magnetorheological dampers
M Zapateiro, F Pozo, HR Karimi, N Luo
IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics 17 (2), 370-380, 2011
A linear matrix inequality approach to robust fault detection filter design of linear systems with mixed time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations
HR Karimi, M Zapateiro, N Luo
Journal of the Franklin Institute 347 (6), 957-973, 2010
Vibration control of a class of semiactive suspension system using neural network and backstepping techniques
M Zapateiro, N Luo, HR Karimi, J Vehi
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 23 (6), 1946-1953, 2009
Real‐time hybrid testing of semiactive control strategies for vibration reduction in a structure with MR damper
M Zapateiro, HR Karimi, N Luo, BF Spencer Jr
Structural Control and Health Monitoring: The Official Journal of the …, 2010
State feedback sliding mode control of a class of uncertain time delay systems
N Luo, M de la Sen
IEE Proceedings D (Control Theory and Applications) 140 (4), 261-274, 1993
Wind turbine control and monitoring
N Luo, Y Vidal, L Acho
Springer International Publishing, 2014
Power control design for variable-speed wind turbines
Y Vidal, L Acho, N Luo, M Zapateiro, F Pozo
Energies 5 (8), 3033-3050, 2012
Robust synchronization and fault detection of uncertain master-slave systems with mixed time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations
HR Karimi
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 9, 671-680, 2011
Robust stabilization of a class of uncertain time delay systems in sliding mode
N Luo, M de la Sen, J Rodellar
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 1997
On the uniform exponential stability of a wide class of linear time-delay systems
M De la Sen, N Luo
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 289 (2), 456-476, 2004
Prediction of Blood Glucose Levels And Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Using Physiological Models and Artificial Neural Networks.
A Bertachi, L Biagi, I Contreras, N Luo, J Vehí
KDH@ IJCAI, 85-90, 2018
A note on the stability of linear time-delay systems with impulsive inputs
M De la Sen, N Luo
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2003
Output feedback sliding mode control of base isolated structures
N Luo, J Rodellar, M De la Sen, J Vehí
Journal of the Franklin Institute 337 (5), 555-577, 2000
Semiactive vibration control of offshore wind turbine towers with tuned liquid column dampers using Houtput feedback control
HR Karimi, M Zapateiro, N Luo
2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2245-2249, 2010
Composite semiactive control of a class of seismically excited structures
N Luo, J Rodellar, J Vehı, M De la Sen
Journal of the Franklin Institute 338 (2-3), 225-240, 2001
Semiactive control for floating offshore wind turbines subject to aero-hydro dynamic loads
N Luo, CL Bottasso, HR Karimi, M Zapateiro
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, 2011
Testing PID and MPC performance for mobile robot local path-following
L Pacheco, N Luo
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 12 (11), 155, 2015
Modeling and identification of a small-scale magnetorheological damper
AR Tsouroukdissian, F Ikhouane, J Rodellar, N Luo
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 20 (7), 825-835, 2009
Stability analysis and control synthesis of neutral systems with time-varying delays and nonlinear uncertainties
HR Karimi, M Zapateiro, N Luo
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (1), 595-603, 2009
Design of linear observers for a class of linear hybrid systems
M De La Sen, N Luo
International Journal of Systems Science 31 (9), 1077-1090, 2000
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Articles 1–20