Professor Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohamed Thariq Hameed Sultan
Professor Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohamed Thariq Hameed Sultan
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Cited by
Cited by
COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia: Actions taken by the Malaysian government
AUM Shah, SNA Safri, R Thevadas, NK Noordin, A Abd Rahman, ...
International journal of infectious diseases 97, 108-116, 2020
Impact behaviour of hybrid composites for structural applications: A review
SNA Safri, MTH Sultan, M Jawaid, K Jayakrishna
Composites Part B: Engineering 133, 112-121, 2018
Extraction and preparation of bamboo fibre-reinforced composites
P Zakikhani, R Zahari, MTH Sultan, DL Majid
Materials & Design 63, 820-828, 2014
Effects of fibre treatment on mechanical properties of kenaf fibre reinforced composites: a review
MH Hamidon, MTH Sultan, AH Ariffin, AUM Shah
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (3), 3327-3337, 2019
Thermomechanical and dynamic mechanical properties of bamboo/woven kenaf mat reinforced epoxy hybrid composites
SS Chee, M Jawaid, MTH Sultan, OY Alothman, LC Abdullah
Composites Part B: Engineering 163, 165-174, 2019
An overview of mechanical and physical testing of composite materials
N Saba, M Jawaid, MTH Sultan
Mechanical and physical testing of biocomposites, fibre-reinforced …, 2019
Low velocity and high velocity impact test on composite materials–a review
SNA Safri, MTH Sultan, N Yidris, F Mustapha
Int. J. Eng. Sci 3 (9), 50-60, 2014
The challenges of natural fiber in manufacturing, material selection, and technology application: A review
T Khan, MTB Hameed Sultan, AH Ariffin
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 37 (11), 770-779, 2018
A review on processing techniques of bast fibers nanocellulose and its polylactic acid (PLA) nanocomposites
LK Kian, N Saba, M Jawaid, MTH Sultan
International journal of biological macromolecules 121, 1314-1328, 2019
A review on metal additive manufacturing for intricately shaped aerospace components
V Madhavadas, D Srivastava, U Chadha, SA Raj, MTH Sultan, FS Shahar, ...
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 39, 18-36, 2022
Review on nanocomposites based on aerospace applications
A Bhat, S Budholiya, S Aravind Raj, MTH Sultan, D Hui, AU Md Shah, ...
Nanotechnology Reviews 10 (1), 237-253, 2021
Critical review of natural fiber reinforced hybrid composites: Processing, properties, applications and cost
MJ Suriani, RA Ilyas, MYM Zuhri, A Khalina, MTH Sultan, SM Sapuan, ...
Polymers 13 (20), 3514, 2021
Sustainable composites for aerospace applications
M Jawaid, MTH Sultan
Woodhead publishing, 2018
Manufacturing techniques of composites for aerospace applications
K Balasubramanian, MTH Sultan, N Rajeswari
Sustainable composites for aerospace applications, 55-67, 2018
A review on the tensile properties of bamboo fiber reinforced polymer composites
U Ain, MTH Sultan, M Jawaid, F Cardona, ARA Talib
BioResources 11 (4), 1-23, 2016
Characterization of alkali treated new cellulosic fibre from Cyrtostachys renda
TM Loganathan, MTH Sultan, Q Ahsan, M Jawaid, J Naveen, AUM Shah, ...
Journal of Materials Research and technology 9 (3), 3537-3546, 2020
Overview of bioplastic introduction and its applications in product packaging
NI Ibrahim, FS Shahar, MTH Sultan, AUM Shah, SNA Safri, MH Mat Yazik
Coatings 11 (11), 1423, 2021
Processing of hybrid polymer composites—a review
M Asim, M Jawaid, N Saba, M Nasir, MTH Sultan
Hybrid polymer composite materials, 1-22, 2017
Hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer over backward and forward steps: A review
S Salman, ARA Talib, S Saadon, MTH Sultan
Powder Technology 363, 448-472, 2020
Impact damage on composite structures–a review
N Razali, MTH Sultan, F Mustapha, N Yidris, MR Ishak
Int. J. Eng. Sci 3 (7), 08-20, 2014
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Articles 1–20