Barbara L. Davis
Barbara L. Davis
Professor of Communications Sciences and Disorders
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Cited by
The articulatory basis of babbling
BL Davis, PF MacNeilage
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 38 (6), 1199-1211, 1995
On the origin of internal structure of word forms
PF MacNeilage, BL Davis
Science 288 (5465), 527-531, 2000
Acquisition of speech production: Frames, then content
PF MacNeilage, B Davis
Attention and performance XIII, 453-476, 2018
Acquisition of correct vowel production: A quantitative case study
BL Davis, PF MacNeilage
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 33 (1), 16-27, 1990
Developmental apraxia of speech: Determiners of differential diagnosis
BL Davis, KJ Jakielski, TP Marquardt
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 12 (1), 25-45, 1998
The motor core of speech: A comparison of serial organization patterns in infants and languages
PF MacNeilage, BL Davis, A Kinney, CL Matyear
Child development 71 (1), 153-163, 2000
English speech sound development in preschool-aged children from bilingual English–Spanish environments
CE Gildersleeve-Neumann, ES Kester, BL Davis, ED Peña
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville, MD, 2008
Motor mechanisms in speech ontogeny: phylogenetic, neurobiological and linguistic implications
PF MacNeilage, BL Davis
Current opinion in neurobiology 11 (6), 696-700, 2001
Acquisition of serial complexity in speech production: A comparison of phonetic and phonological approaches to first word production
BL Davis, PF MacNeilage, CL Matyear
Phonetica 59 (2-3), 75-107, 2002
Is there a “trochaic bias” in early word learning? Evidence from infant production in English and French
MM Vihtnan, RA DePaolis, BL Davis
Child development 69 (4), 935-949, 1998
Acquisition of speech production: The achievement of segmental independence
PF MacNeilage, BL Davis
Speech production and speech modelling, 55-68, 1990
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Developmental Apraxia of Speech in Infants and Toddlers.
BL Davis, SL Velleman
Infant-toddler intervention: The transdisciplinary Journal 10 (3), 177-92, 2000
Tutorial: Speech assessment for multilingual children who do not speak the same language (s) as the speech-language pathologist
S McLeod, S Verdon, E Baker, MJ Ball, E Ballard, AB David, ...
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26 (3), 691-708, 2017
Token‐to‐token variability in developmental apraxia of speech: three longitudinal case studies
TP Marquardt, A Jacks, BL Davis
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 18 (2), 127-144, 2004
Speech transforms
B Lindblom, S Brownlee, B Davis, SJ Moon
Speech communication 11 (4-5), 357-368, 1992
Babbling and first words: Phonetic similarities and differences
PF MacNeilage, BL Davis, CL Matyear
Speech Communication 22 (2-3), 269-277, 1997
Prosodic correlates of stress in babbling: An acoustical study
BL Davis, PF MacNeilage, CL Matyear, JK Powell
Child Development 71 (5), 1258-1270, 2000
Motor explanations of babbling and early speech patterns
PF MacNeilage, BL Davis
Developmental neurocognition: Speech and face processing in the first year …, 1993
Universal production patterns and ambient language influences in babbling: A cross-linguistic study of Korean-and English-learning infants
SAS Lee, B Davis, P MacNeilage
Journal of Child Language 37 (2), 293-318, 2010
An embodiment perspective on the acquisition of speech perception
BL Davis, PF MacNeilage
Phonetica 57 (2-4), 229-241, 2000
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Articles 1–20