Peter van Keken
Peter van Keken
staff scientist, Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Science
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The global range of subduction zone thermal models
EM Syracuse, PE van Keken, GA Abers
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 183 (1-2), 73-90, 2010
Subduction factory: 4. Depth‐dependent flux of H2O from subducting slabs worldwide
PE Van Keken, BR Hacker, EM Syracuse, GA Abers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B1), 2011
High‐resolution models of subduction zones: Implications for mineral dehydration reactions and the transport of water into the deep mantle
PE van Keken, B Kiefer, SM Peacock
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 3 (10), 1 of 20-20 of 20, 2002
B-type olivine fabric in the mantle wedge: Insights from high-resolution non-Newtonian subduction zone models
EA Kneller, PE Van Keken, S Karato, J Park
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237 (3-4), 781-797, 2005
Mantle mixing: the generation, preservation, and destruction of chemical heterogeneity
PE van Keken, EH Hauri, CJ Ballentine
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 30 (1), 493-525, 2002
A comparison of methods for the modeling of thermochemical convection
PE Van Keken, SD King, H Schmeling, UR Christensen, D Neumeister, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B10), 22477-22495, 1997
The thermal structure of subduction zones constrained by seismic imaging: Implications for slab dehydration and wedge flow
GA Abers, PE van Keken, EA Kneller, A Ferris, JC Stachnik
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (3-4), 387-397, 2006
The effective viscosity of rocksalt: implementation of steady-state creep laws in numerical models of salt diapirism
PE Van Keken, CJ Spiers, AP Van den Berg, EJ Muyzert
Tectonophysics 225 (4), 457-476, 1993
Middle Archean continent formation by crustal delamination
TE Zegers, PE van Keken
Geology 29 (12), 1083-1086, 2001
Seismic imaging of subduction zone metamorphism
S Rondenay, GA Abers, PE Van Keken
Geology 36 (4), 275-278, 2008
The structure and dynamics of the mantle wedge
PE van Keken
Earth and planetary science letters 215 (3-4), 323-338, 2003
A community benchmark for subduction zone modeling
PE van Keken, C Currie, SD King, MD Behn, A Cagnioncle, J He, RF Katz, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 171 (1-4), 187-197, 2008
Thermal structure of the Costa Rica–Nicaragua subduction zone
SM Peacock, PE van Keken, SD Holloway, BR Hacker, GA Abers, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 149 (1-2), 187-200, 2005
Thermal–petrological controls on the location of earthquakes within subducting plates
GA Abers, J Nakajima, PE van Keken, S Kita, BR Hacker
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 369, 178-187, 2013
Development of anisotropic structure in the Earth's lower mantle by solid-state convection
AK McNamara, PE Van Keken, SI Karato
Nature 416 (6878), 310-314, 2002
Fluid flow in subduction zones: The role of solid rheology and compaction pressure
CR Wilson, M Spiegelman, PE van Keken, BR Hacker
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, 261-274, 2014
Cooling of the Earth in the Archaean: consequences of pressure-release melting in a hotter mantle
NJ Vlaar, PE Van Keken, AP Van den Berg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1-2), 1-18, 1994
The cold and relatively dry nature of mantle forearcs in subduction zones
GA Abers, PE Van Keken, BR Hacker
Nature Geoscience 10 (5), 333-337, 2017
The effects of a composite non-Newtonian and Newtonian rheology on mantle convection
AP van den Berg, PE van Keken, DA Yuen
Geophysical Journal International 115 (1), 62-78, 1993
Trench-parallel flow and seismic anisotropy in the Mariana and Andean subduction systems
EA Kneller, PE Van Keken
Nature 450 (7173), 1222-1225, 2007
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Articles 1–20