Jose-Jesus Fernandez
Cited by
Cited by
Eukaryotic type II chaperonin CCT interacts with actin through specific subunits
O Llorca, EA McCormack, G Hynes, J Grantham, J Cordell
Nature 402 (6762), 693-696, 1999
Cryo-electron tomography of vaccinia virus
M Cyrklaff, C Risco, JJ Fernández, MV Jiménez, M Estéban, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2005
Fast tomographic reconstruction on multicore computers
JI Agulleiro, JJ Fernandez
Bioinformatics 27 (4), 582, 2011
Xmipp: an image processing package for electron microscopy
R MarabiniI M, S Marco, JJ Fernández, LG de la Fraga, C VaquerizoJ M
Journal of structural biology 116 (1), 237-240, 1996
CTF determination and correction in electron cryotomography
JJ Fernandez, S Li, RA Crowther
Ultramicroscopy 106 (7), 587-596, 2006
Site-specific cryo-focused ion beam sample preparation guided by 3D correlative microscopy
J Arnold, J Mahamid, V Lucic, A De Marco, JJ Fernandez, T Laugks, ...
Biophysical journal 110 (4), 860-869, 2016
Robust membrane detection based on tensor voting for electron tomography
A Martinez-Sanchez, I Garcia, S Asano, V Lucic, JJ Fernandez
Journal of structural biology 186 (1), 49-61, 2014
An improved algorithm for anisotropic nonlinear diffusion for denoising cryo-tomograms
JJ Fernández, S Li
Journal of Structural Biology 144 (1-2), 152-161, 2003
The structural architecture of an infectious mammalian prion using electron cryomicroscopy
E Vázquez-Fernández, MR Vos, P Afanasyev, L Cebey, AM Sevillano, ...
PLoS pathogens 12 (9), e1005835, 2016
The unique architecture of Bunyamwera virus factories around the Golgi complex
J Fontana, N López‐Montero, RM Elliott, JJ Fernández, C Risco
Cellular microbiology 10 (10), 2012-2028, 2008
Three-dimensional structure of basal body triplet revealed by electron cryo-tomography
S Li, JJ Fernandez, WF Marshall, DA Agard
The EMBO Journal, 2011
Improving the performance of the sparse matrix vector product with GPUs
F Vazquez, G Ortega, JJ Fernandez, EM Garzon
Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2010 IEEE 10th International …, 2010
Tomo3D 2.0–exploitation of advanced vector extensions (AVX) for 3D reconstruction
JI Agulleiro, JJ Fernandez
Journal of structural biology 189 (2), 147-152, 2015
A new approach for sparse matrix vector product on NVIDIA GPUs
F Vázquez, JJ Fernández, EM Garzón
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2011
Sharpening high resolution information in single particle electron cryomicroscopy
JJ Fernandez, D Luque, JR Caston, JL Carrascosa
Journal of structural biology 164 (1), 170-175, 2008
Ring closure activates yeast γTuRC for species-specific microtubule nucleation
JM Kollman, CH Greenberg, S Li, M Moritz, A Zelter, KK Fong, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 22 (2), 132-137, 2015
Computational Methods for Electron Tomography
JJ Fernandez
Micron, 2012
High-performance electron tomography of complex biological specimens
JJ Fernández, AF Lawrence, J Roca, I García, MH Ellisman, JM Carazo
Journal of Structural Biology 138 (1-2), 6-20, 2002
Cryo-X-ray tomography of vaccinia virus membranes and inner compartments
JL Carrascosa, FJ Chichón, E Pereiro, MJ Rodríguez, JJ Fernández, ...
Journal of structural biology 168 (2), 234-239, 2009
Three-dimensional imaging of the intracellular assembly of a functional viral RNA replicase complex
I Fernández de Castro, JJ Fernández, D Barajas, PD Nagy, C Risco
Journal of cell science 130 (1), 260-268, 2017
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