Summrina Kanwal
Summrina Kanwal
Capgemini Engineering, Sweden
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Cited by
A comparison of SVM kernel functions for breast cancer detection
M Hussain, SK Wajid, A Elzaart, M Berbar
2011 eighth international conference computer graphics, imaging and …, 2011
Local energy-based shape histogram feature extraction technique for breast cancer diagnosis
SK Wajid, A Hussain
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (20), 6990-6999, 2015
Hyper-parameter optimization of classifiers, using an artificial immune network and its application to software bug prediction
F Khan, S Kanwal, S Alamri, B Mumtaz
Ieee Access 8, 20954-20964, 2020
Urdu sentiment analysis via multimodal data mining based on deep learning algorithms
U Sehar, S Kanwal, K Dashtipur, U Mir, U Abbasi, F Khan
IEEE Access 9, 153072-153082, 2021
Energy management in smart buildings and homes: current approaches, a hypothetical solution, and open issues and challenges
U Mir, U Abbasi, T Mir, S Kanwal, S Alamri
IEEE Access 9, 94132-94148, 2021
A novel fuzzy multilayer perceptron (F-MLP) for the detection of irregularity in skin lesion border using dermoscopic images
AR Ali, J Li, S Kanwal, G Yang, A Hussain, S Jane O'Shea
Frontiers in medicine 7, 297, 2020
Feature Selection Using Artificial Immune Network: An Approach for Software Defect Prediction.
B Mumtaz, S Kanwal, S Alamri, F Khan
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 29 (3), 2021
Novel Artificial Immune Networks-based optimization of shallow machine learning (ML) classifiers
S Kanwal, A Hussain, K Huang
Expert Systems with Applications 165, 113834, 2021
Lung cancer detection using Local Energy-based Shape Histogram (LESH) feature extraction and cognitive machine learning techniques
SK Wajid, A Hussain, K Huang, W Boulila
2016 IEEE 15th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive …, 2016
Machine learning based computer-aided diagnosis of liver tumours
L Ali, K Khelil, SK Wajid, ZU Hussain, MA Shah, A Howard, A Adeel, ...
2017 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive …, 2017
COVID‐opt‐aiNet: a clinical decision support system for COVID‐19 detection
S Kanwal, F Khan, S Alamri, K Dashtipur, M Gogate
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 32 (2), 444-461, 2022
Three-dimensional local energy-based shape histogram (3D-LESH): A novel feature extraction technique
SK Wajid, A Hussain, K Huang
Expert Systems with Applications 112, 388-400, 2018
Robust and imperceptible image watermarking using full counter propagation neural networks
SK Wajid, MA Jaffar, W Rasul, AM Mirza
2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, IPCSIT 3 …, 2011
An efficient computer aided decision support system for breast cancer diagnosis using echo state network classifier
SK Wajid, A Hussain, B Luo
2014 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence in healthcare and e-health …, 2014
A multimodal deep learning infused with artificial algae algorithm–An architecture of advanced E-health system for cancer prognosis prediction
S Kanwal, F Khan, S Alamri
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (6 …, 2022
Local Energy-based Shape Histogram (LESH) Based Clinical Decision Support System for Breast Cancer Detection using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
SK Wajid, A Hussain
Submitted to IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks and Learning Systems, ISI Impact …, 0
A hybrid dependency-based approach for Urdu sentiment analysis
U Sehar, S Kanwal, NI Allheeib, S Almari, F Khan, K Dashtipur, M Gogate, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 22075, 2023
Speech enhancement based on adaptive noise cancellation and particle swarm optimization
TMF Taha, SK Wajid, A Hussain
Journal of Computer Science 15 (5), 691-701, 2019
An investigation of machine learning and neural computation paradigms in the design of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs)
SK Wajid, A Hussain, B Luo, K Huang
Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems: 8th International Conference …, 2016
Investigating the Taxonomy of Character Recognition Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
A Naseer, M Tamoor, N Allheeib, S Kanwal
IEEE Access, 2024
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Articles 1–20