Dag Wedelin
Dag Wedelin
Professor in Computer Science, Chalmers University of Technology
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Cited by
An algorithm for large scale 0–1 integer programming with application to airline crew scheduling
D Wedelin
Annals of Operations Research 57 (1), 283-301, 1995
Crew pairing optimization
E Andersson, E Housos, N Kohl, D Wedelin
Operations research in the airline industry, 228-258, 1998
Method and apparatus for optimally allocating resources
D Wedelin
US Patent 5,343,388, 1994
Efficient algorithms for ordinary differential equation model identification of biological systems
P Gennemark, D Wedelin
IET Systems Biology 1 (2), 120-129, 2007
Benchmarks for identification of ordinary differential equations from time series data
P Gennemark, D Wedelin
Bioinformatics 25 (6), 780-786, 2009
A simple mathematical model of adaptation to high osmolarity in yeast
P Gennemark, B Nordlander, S Hohmann, D Wedelin
In silico biology 6 (3), 193-214, 2006
Investigating and developing engineering students’ mathematical modelling and problem-solving skills
D Wedelin, T Adawi, T Jahan, S Andersson
European Journal of Engineering Education 40 (5), 557-572, 2015
Teaching mathematical modelling and problem solving-A cognitive apprenticeship approach to mathematics and engineering education
D Wedelin, T Adawi
International Association of Online Engineering 4 (5), 49-55, 2014
Parallel integer optimization for crew scheduling
P Alefragis, P Sanders, T Takkula, D Wedelin
Annals of Operations Research 99, 141-166, 2000
The design of a 0–1 integer optimizer and its application in the Carmen system
D Wedelin
European journal of operational research 87 (3), 722-730, 1995
Efficient algorithms for probabilistic inference, combinatorial optimization and the discovery of causal structure from data
D Wedelin
Chalmers University of Technology, 1993
Parallel crew scheduling in PAROS
P Alefragis, C Goumopoulos, E Housos, P Sanders, T Takkula, D Wedelin
Euro-Par’98 Parallel Processing: 4th International Euro-Par Conference …, 1998
High performance integer optimization for crew scheduling
P Sanders, T Takkula, D Wedelin
International Conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking, 1-12, 1999
Applied mathematical problem solving: Principles for designing small realistic problems
D Wedelin, T Adawi
Mathematical modelling in education research and practice: Cultural, social …, 2015
Warming up for PBL: a course in mathematical modelling and problem solving for engineering students
D Wedelin, T Adawi
Högre utbildning 5 (1), 23-34, 2015
OR in the airline industry, chapter Crew Pairing Optimization
E Andersson, E Housos, N Kohl, D Wedelin
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, London, Dordrecht, 1997
ODEion—a software module for structural identification of ordinary differential equations
P Gennemark, DAG Wedelin
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 12 (01), 1350015, 2014
Efficient estimation and model selection in large graphical models
D Wedelin
Statistics and Computing 6, 313-323, 1996
Cost propagation–numerical propagation for optimization problems
B Grohe, D Wedelin
International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and …, 2008
An algorithm for 0–1 programming with application to airline crew scheduling
D Wedelin
European Symposium on Algorithms, 319-330, 1994
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Articles 1–20