Zain Tariq
Cited by
Cited by
Job opportunities through entertainment: Virally spread speech-based services for low-literate users
AA Raza, F Ul Haq, Z Tariq, M Pervaiz, S Razaq, U Saif, R Rosenfeld
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013
Baang: A viral speech-based social platform for under-connected populations
AA Raza, B Saleem, S Randhawa, Z Tariq, A Athar, U Saif, R Rosenfeld
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
The barriers to overthrowing internet feudalism
T Liu, Z Tariq, J Chen, B Raghavan
Proceedings of the 16th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 72-79, 2017
Rapid Collection of Spontaneous Speech Corpora Using Telephonic Community Forums.
AA Raza, A Athar, S Randhawa, Z Tariq, MB Saleem, HB Zia, U Saif, ...
Interspeech, 1021-1025, 2018
Voice-Based Quizzes for Measuring Knowledge Retention in Under-Connected Populations
AA Raza*, Z Tariq*, S Randhawa, B Saleem, A Athar, U Saif, R Rosenfeld
Performance prediction of hybrid bamboo-reinforced concrete beams using gene expression programming for sustainable construction
HA Waqas, A Bahrami, M Sahil, A Poshad Khan, A Ejaz, T Shafique, ...
Materials 16 (20), 6788, 2023
Spread and sustainability: The geography and economics of speech-based services
AA Raza, R Rosenfeld, F Haq, Z Tariq, U Saif
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM symposium on computing for development, 1-2, 2013
Planning epidemic interventions with EpiPolicy
Z Tariq, M Mannino, M Le Xuan Anh, W Bagge, A Abouzied, D Shasha
The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 894-909, 2021
Epipolicy: A tool for combating epidemics
ALX Mai, M Mannino, Z Tariq, A Abouzied, D Shasha
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 28 (2), 24-29, 2022
Comparative analysis of flexural capacity of bamboo reinforced and conventional steel reinforced concrete beams through numerical evaluation
T Shafique, Z Tariq, S Ahmad, AP Khan, HA Waqas
Sustainable Structures and Materials, An International Journal 6 (1), 101-105, 2023
Usage and Feedback from a 3-Week Launch of a Maternal Health Line for Men in Pakistan
SSO Ahmad, MB Saleem, M Ayub, T Ahmad, S Randhawa, Z Tariq, ...
HCI Across Borders Symposium at Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
Migration in the Stencil Pluralist Cloud Architecture
T Liu, Z Tariq, B Raghavan, J Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.03964, 2021
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Articles 1–12