Wavelet analysis of long-range-dependent traffic P Abry, D Veitch IEEE transactions on information theory 44 (1), 2-15, 1998 | 1576 | 1998 |
A wavelet-based joint estimator of the parameters of long-range dependence D Veitch, P Abry IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45 (3), 878-897, 1999 | 775 | 1999 |
Wavelets for the analysis, estimation, and synthesis of scaling data P Abry, P Flandrin, MS Taqqu, D Veitch Self‐similar network traffic and performance evaluation, 39-88, 2000 | 503 | 2000 |
Mawilab: combining diverse anomaly detectors for automated anomaly labeling and performance benchmarking R Fontugne, P Borgnat, P Abry, K Fukuda Proceedings of the 6th International COnference, 1-12, 2010 | 438 | 2010 |
Multiscale nature of network traffic P Abry, R Baraniuk, P Flandrin, R Riedi, D Veitch IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 19 (3), 28-46, 2002 | 427 | 2002 |
Ondelettes et turbulences: multirésolutions, algorithmes de décomposition, invariance d'échelle et signaux de pression P Abry Diderot multimédia., 1997 | 394* | 1997 |
The wavelet-based synthesis for fractional Brownian motion proposed by F. Sellan and Y. Meyer: Remarks and fast implementation P Abry, F Sellan Applied and computational harmonic analysis 3 (4), 377-383, 1996 | 388 | 1996 |
Self-similarity and long-range dependence through the wavelet lens P Abry, P Flandrin, MS Taqqu, D Veitch Theory and applications of long-range dependence 1, 527-556, 2003 | 376 | 2003 |
Shared bicycles in a city: A signal processing and data analysis perspective P Borgnat, P Abry, P Flandrin, C Robardet, JB Rouquier, E Fleury Advances in Complex Systems 14 (03), 415-438, 2011 | 338 | 2011 |
Bootstrap for empirical multifractal analysis H Wendt, P Abry, S Jaffard IEEE signal processing magazine 24 (4), 38-48, 2007 | 337 | 2007 |
Wavelets, spectrum analysis and 1/f processes P Abry, P Gonçalvés, P Flandrin Wavelets and statistics, 15-29, 1995 | 291* | 1995 |
Seven years and one day: Sketching the evolution of internet traffic P Borgnat, G Dewaele, K Fukuda, P Abry, K Cho IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 711-719, 2009 | 280 | 2009 |
Wavelet leaders in multifractal analysis S Jaffard, B Lashermes, P Abry Wavelet analysis and applications, 201-246, 2007 | 280 | 2007 |
Wavelet leaders and bootstrap for multifractal analysis of images H Wendt, SG Roux, S Jaffard, P Abry Signal Processing 89 (6), 1100-1114, 2009 | 228 | 2009 |
Long‐range dependence: Revisiting aggregation with wavelets P Abry, D Veitch, P Flandrin Journal of Time Series Analysis 19 (3), 253-266, 1998 | 227 | 1998 |
Scale-free and multifractal time dynamics of fMRI signals during rest and task P Ciuciu, G Varoquaux, P Abry, S Sadaghiani, A Kleinschmidt Frontiers in physiology 3, 186, 2012 | 206 | 2012 |
Non-gaussian and long memory statistical characterizations for internet traffic with anomalies A Scherrer, N Larrieu, P Owezarski, P Borgnat, P Abry IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 4 (1), 56-70, 2007 | 195 | 2007 |
Extracting hidden anomalies using sketch and non gaussian multiresolution statistical detection procedures G Dewaele, K Fukuda, P Borgnat, P Abry, K Cho Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Large scale attack defense, 145-152, 2007 | 160 | 2007 |
Multifractality tests using bootstrapped wavelet leaders H Wendt, P Abry IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (10), 4811-4820, 2007 | 150 | 2007 |
Cluster processes: a natural language for network traffic N Hohn, D Veitch, P Abry IEEE Transactions on Signal processing 51 (8), 2229-2244, 2003 | 148 | 2003 |