Development and implementation of a simplified self-tuned neuro–fuzzy-based IM drive MN Uddin, ZR Huang, ABMS Hossain IEEE transactions on industry applications 50 (1), 51-59, 2013 | 88 | 2013 |
Cutoff wave numbers of eccentric circular and concentric circular-elliptic metallic wave guides JA Roumeliotis, ABMS Hossain, JG Fikioris Radio Science 15 (05), 923-937, 1980 | 50 | 1980 |
Studies on the characterization and glyceride composition of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) seed oil. MA Gofur, MS Rahman, GM Ahmed, A Hossain, ME Haque | 27 | 1993 |
Evaluation of mixed and intercropping of lentil and wheat A Nargis, MA Alim, MM Islam, N Zabun, R Maksuder, AS Hossain Journal of Agronomy 3 (1), 48-51, 2004 | 24 | 2004 |
Characteristics and consequence of Nepal earthquake 2015: a review ASMF Hossain, TL Adhikari, MA Ansary, QH Bari Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA 46 (4), 114-120, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
The Impact of energy consumption, urbanization, financial development, and trade openness on the environment in Bangladesh: an ARDL Bound Test Approach AK Hossain, S Hasanuzzaman Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Effect of garlic powder (Allium sativum) on growth, dressing parameters, serum biochemical contents and profitability of broiler MB Karim, ME Hossain, MS Ali, A Hossain Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 46 (4), 215-224, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Heavy metals in wetland soil of Greater Dhaka District, Bangladesh AKMR ALAM, ABM Hossain, S Hoque, DA Chowdhury Pollution 4 (1), 129-141, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
The plant Aerva sanguinolenta: A review on traditional uses, phytoconstituents and pharmacological activities J Sarker, MR Ali, MA Khan, MM Rahman, AS Hossain, AK Alam Pharmacognosy Reviews 13 (26), 89, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Channel allocation of mobile cellular network based on graph theory MI Islam, ABMS Hossain 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2004., 529-532, 2004 | 16 | 2004 |
QoS optimization and performance analysis of NGN U Hany, ABMS Hossain, PK Saha International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE 2010 …, 2010 | 15 | 2010 |
CO2 emission, power consumption and economic growth in Bangladesh: an ARDL bound testing approach ANM Wahid, A Hossain, KT Mahmud, K Alom The Empirical Economics Letters 16 (5), 365-372, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Transient GUS expression in jute (Corchorus capsularis L. var. D-154) explants after infection by Agrobacterium tumefaciens ABM Hossain, G Ahmed, RI Khan, MS Islam Plant Tissue Cult 8 (1), 11-18, 1998 | 12 | 1998 |
Variation for morphophysiological characters in genotypes of Indian rapeseed A Hossain, RP Salini, BPS Malik, DP Singh Indian J. Agril. Sci 57 (4), 225-230, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |
Identification of various rice plant diseases using optimized convolutional neural network MSI Prottasha, ABMK Hossain, MZ Rahman, SMS Reza, DA Hossain | 10 | 2021 |
Investigations into the polyculture of two Indian major carps (Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala) and Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in fertilized ponds A Hossain Asian Institute of Technology, 1995 | 10 | 1995 |
Shear wave velocity as a function of standard penetration number and depth in Dhaka City, Bangladesh A Hossain, MA Ansary IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering 12 (3), 31-39, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
The problems of public transport system in Dhaka City A Hossain Banglavision 18 (1), 86-107, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Propagation-path losses characterization for 900 MHz cellular communications in Dhaka City ABMS Hossain, R Ali 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No. 03EX732) 1, 6-8, 2003 | 7 | 2003 |
A study on recent earthquakes in and around Bangladesh ASMF Hossain, N Jahan, MA Ansary Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 33 (1), 2021 | 6 | 2021 |