Allan Pinto
Cited by
Cited by
Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Detection
D Menotti, G Chiachia, A Pinto, W Schwartz, H Pedrini, A Falcao, A Rocha
IEEE, 2015
Face spoofing detection through visual codebooks of spectral temporal cubes
A Pinto, H Pedrini, WR Schwartz, A Rocha
IEEE Transactions on image processing 24 (12), 4726-4740, 2015
Using visual rhythms for detecting video-based facial spoof attacks
A Pinto, WR Schwartz, H Pedrini, A de Rezende Rocha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 10 (5), 1025-1038, 2015
Video-Based Face Spoofing Detection through Visual Rhythm Analysis
A da Silva Pinto, H Pedrini, WR Schwartz, A Rocha
Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI'2012), 2012
The 2nd competition on counter measures to 2D face spoofing attacks
I Chingovska, J Yang, Z Lei, D Yi, SZ Li, O Kahm, C Glaser, N Damer, ...
2013 international conference on biometrics (ICB), 1-6, 2013
Image provenance analysis at scale
D Moreira, A Bharati, J Brogan, A Pinto, M Parowski, KW Bowyer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (12), 6109-6123, 2018
Ensemble of multi-view learning classifiers for cross-domain iris presentation attack detection
A Kuehlkamp, A Pinto, A Rocha, KW Bowyer, A Czajka
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (6), 1419-1431, 2018
Performance-level indicators of male elite handball teams
AG Almeida, M Merlin, A Pinto, RS Torres, SA Cunha
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 20 (1), 1-9, 2020
Litter detection with deep learning: A comparative study
M Córdova, A Pinto, CC Hellevik, SAA Alaliyat, IA Hameed, H Pedrini, ...
Sensors 22 (2), 548, 2022
Leveraging shape, reflectance and albedo from shading for face presentation attack detection
A Pinto, S Goldenstein, A Ferreira, T Carvalho, H Pedrini, A Rocha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 3347-3358, 2020
Counteracting presentation attacks in face, fingerprint, and iris recognition
A Pinto, H Pedrini, M Krumdick, B Becker, A Czajka, KW Bowyer, A Rocha
Deep learning in biometrics 245, 121, 2018
U-phylogeny: Undirected provenance graph construction in the wild
A Bharati, D Moreira, A Pinto, J Brogan, K Bowyer, P Flynn, W Scheirer, ...
2017 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 1517-1521, 2017
A multirepresentational fusion of time series for pixelwise classification
D Dias, A Pinto, U Dias, R Lamparelli, G Le Maire, RS Torres
IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2020
Automatic markerless motion detector method against traditional digitisation for 3-dimensional movement kinematic analysis of ball kicking in soccer field context
LH Palucci Vieira, PRP Santiago, A Pinto, R Aquino, RS Torres, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (3), 1179, 2022
Sport action mining: Dribbling recognition in soccer
S Barbon Junior, A Pinto, JV Barroso, FG Caetano, FA Moura, SA Cunha, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (3), 4341-4364, 2022
Facespoof buster: a presentation attack detector based on intrinsic image properties and deep learning
R Bresan, A Pinto, A Rocha, C Beluzo, T Carvalho
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.02845, 2019
Provenance filtering for multimedia phylogeny
A Pinto, D Moreira, A Bharati, J Brogan, K Bowyer, P Flynn, W Scheirer, ...
2017 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 1502-1506, 2017
Spotting the difference: Context retrieval and analysis for improved forgery detection and localization
J Brogan, P Bestagini, A Bharati, A Pinto, D Moreira, K Bowyer, P Flynn, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4078-4082, 2017
Complex networks analysis reinforces centrality hematological role on aerobic–anaerobic performances of the Brazilian Paralympic endurance team after altitude training
FL Breda, FB Manchado-Gobatto, FA de Barros Sousa, WR Beck, A Pinto, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 1148, 2022
Pelee-Text++: A tiny neural network for scene text detection
A Pinto, H Pedrini, R da Silva Torres
IEEE Access 8, 223172-223188, 2020
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Articles 1–20