Tie (Thomas) Luo
Tie (Thomas) Luo
Other namesTie Luo, (formerly) Tony T. Luo
Associated Professor, Department of ECE, University of Kentucky
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Cited by
Cited by
Sensor OpenFlow: Enabling Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
T Luo, HP Tan, TQS Quek
IEEE Communications Letters 16 (11), 1896 - 1899, 2012
No More Strided Convolutions or Pooling: A New CNN Building Block for Low-Resolution Images and Small Objects
R Sunkara, T Luo
ECML PKDD: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and …, 2022
Distributed Anomaly Detection Using Autoencoder Neural Networks in WSN for IoT
T Luo, SG Nagarajan
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2018
Profit-Maximizing Incentive for Participatory Sensing
T Luo, HP Tan, L Xia
IEEE INFOCOM, 127-135, 2014
Network Architecture and QoS Issues in the Internet of Things for a Smart City
J Jin, J Gubbi, T Luo, M Palaniswami
IEEE 12th International Symposium on Communications and Information …, 2012
Cooperative asynchronous multichannel MAC: Design, analysis, and implementation
T Luo, M Motani, V Srinivasan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 8 (3), 338-352, 2009
Application Development Framework for Developing Cyber-Physical Systems
P Patel, T Luo, U Bellur, S Chaudhary
Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice, 437-470, 2015
Fairness and Social Welfare in Incentivizing Participatory Sensing
T Luo, CK Tham
IEEE SECON, 425-433, 2012
Sustainable incentives for mobile crowdsensing: Auctions, lotteries, and trust and reputation systems
T Luo, SS Kanhere, J Huang, SK Das, F Wu
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (3), 68-74, 2017
Improving IoT data quality in mobile crowd sensing: A cross validation approach
T Luo, J Huang, SS Kanhere, J Zhang, SK Das
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 5651-5664, 2019
CAM-MAC: A cooperative asynchronous multi-channel MAC protocol for ad hoc networks
T Luo, M Motani, V Srinivasan
International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems …, 2006
Crowdsourcing with Tullock Contests: A New Perspective
T Luo, SS Kanhere, HP Tan, F Wu, H Wu
IEEE INFOCOM, 2515-2523, 2015
Quality of contributed service and market equilibrium for participatory sensing
CK Tham, T Luo
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 14 (4), 829-842, 2015
Sensing-Driven Energy Purchasing in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical System
CK Tham, T Luo
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2013
Incentive Mechanism Design for Heterogeneous Crowdsourcing Using All-Pay Contests
T Luo, S Kanhere, S Das, H Tan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 15 (9), 2234-2246, 2016
Incentive mechanism design for crowdsourcing: An all-pay auction approach
T Luo, SK Das, HP Tan, L Xia
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 7 (3), 35:1-26, 2016
An efficient and truthful pricing mechanism for team formation in crowdsourcing markets
Q Liu, T Luo, R Tang, S Bressan
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 567-572, 2015
SEW-ing a Simple Endorsement Web to Incentivize Trustworthy Participatory Sensing
T Luo, SS Kanhere, HP Tan
IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking …, 2014
Participatory Cyber Physical System in Public Transport Application
JKS Lau, CK Tham, T Luo
IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 355-360, 2011
AsyncFLEO: Asynchronous Federated Learning for LEO Satellite Constellations with High-Altitude Platforms
M Elmahallawy, T Luo
IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), 5478-5487, 2022
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Articles 1–20