Tarek Elgindy
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Cited by
Incremental network design with shortest paths
M Baxter, T Elgindy, AT Ernst, T Kalinowski, MWP Savelsbergh
European Journal of Operational Research 238 (3), 675-684, 2014
Building large-scale US synthetic electric distribution system models
C Mateo, F Postigo, F de Cuadra, TG San Roman, T Elgindy, P Duenas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (6), 5301-5313, 2020
Building highly detailed synthetic electric grid data sets for combined transmission and distribution systems
H Li, JL Wert, AB Birchfield, TJ Overbye, TG San Roman, CM Domingo, ...
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy 7, 478-488, 2020
AutoDensity: an automated method to measure mammographic breast density that predicts breast cancer risk and screening outcomes
C Nickson, Y Arzhaeva, Z Aitken, T Elgindy, M Buckley, M Li, DR English, ...
Breast Cancer Research 15, 1-12, 2013
Validation of synthetic US electric power distribution system data sets
V Krishnan, B Bugbee, T Elgindy, C Mateo, P Duenas, F Postigo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (5), 4477-4489, 2020
Hybrid communication architectures for distributed smart grid applications
J Zhang, A Hasandka, J Wei, SMS Alam, T Elgindy, AR Florita, BM Hodge
Energies 11 (4), 871, 2018
Developing high PV penetration cases for frequency response study of US Western Interconnection
J Tan, Y Zhang, S Veda, T Elgindy, Y Liu
2017 Ninth Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), 304-311, 2017
Experiences developing large-scale synthetic US-style distribution test systems
B Palmintier, T Elgindy, C Mateo, F Postigo, T Gómez, F de Cuadra, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 190, 106665, 2021
Integration of open-source URBANopt and Dragonfly energy modeling capabilities into practitioner workflows for district-scale planning and design
T Charan, C Mackey, A Irani, B Polly, S Ray, K Fleming, R El Kontar, ...
Energies 14 (18), 5931, 2021
Short-term solar forecasting performance of popular machine learning algorithms
A Dobbs, T Elgindy, BM Hodge, A Florita, J Novacheck
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2017
Integrated distribution system and urban district planning with high renewable penetrations
K Doubleday, F Hafiz, A Parker, T Elgindy, A Florita, G Henze, G Salvalai, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 8 (5), e339, 2019
Phase-selection algorithms to minimize cost and imbalance in US synthetic distribution systems
F Postigo, C Mateo, T Gómez, F de Cuadra, P Dueñas, T Elgindy, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 120, 106042, 2020
Analysis of hybrid smart grid communication network designs for distributed energy resources coordination
J Zhang, A Hasandka, SMS Alam, T Elgindy, AR Florita, BM Hodge
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2019
Modelling the future grid forum scenarios
P Graham, T Brinsmead, S Dunstall, J Ward, L Reedman, T Elgindy, ...
CSIRO, 2013
Co-simulation of transactive energy markets: A framework for market testing and evaluation
D Cutler, T Kwasnik, S Balamurugan, T Elgindy, S Swaminathan, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 128, 106664, 2021
Synthetic, realistic transmission and distribution co-simulation for voltage control benchmarking
N Panossian, T Elgindy, B Palmintier, D Wallison
2021 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 1-5, 2021
Development of HELICS-based high-performance cyber-physical co-simulation framework for distributed energy resources applications
J Zhang, J Daily, RA Mast, B Palmintier, D Krishnamurthy, T Elgindy, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing …, 2020
Smart-ds: Synthetic models for advanced, realistic testing: Distribution systems and scenarios
VK Krishnan, BS Palmintier, BS Hodge, ET Hale, T Elgindy, B Bugbee, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2017
Grid optimization competition challenge 3 problem formulation
JT Holzer, CJ Coffrin, C DeMarco, R Duthu, ST Elbert, BC Eldridge, ...
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2024
Optimal placement of data concentrators for expansion of the smart grid communications network
T Zhen, T Elgindy, SMS Alam, BM Hodge, CD Laird
IET Smart Grid 2 (4), 537-548, 2019
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Articles 1–20