Michal Lichter
Michal Lichter
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Exploring data-related uncertainties in analyses of land area and population in the “Low-Elevation Coastal Zone”(LECZ)
M Lichter, AT Vafeidis, RJ Nicholls, G Kaiser
Journal of Coastal Research 27 (4), 757-768, 2011
Social and economic vulnerability of coastal communities to sea-level rise and extreme flooding
D Felsenstein, M Lichter
Natural hazards 71, 463-491, 2014
Hyper-resolution mapping of regional storm surge and tide flooding: comparison of static and dynamic models
JA Ramirez, M Lichter, TJ Coulthard, C Skinner
Natural Hazards 82, 571-590, 2016
Assessing the costs of sea-level rise and extreme flooding at the local level: A GIS-based approach
M Lichter, D Felsenstein
Ocean & Coastal Management 59, 47-62, 2012
Statistical analysis of recent Mediterranean Sea-level data
M Klein, M Lichter
Geomorphology 107 (1-2), 3-9, 2009
Monitoring changes in shoreline position adjacent to the Hadera power station, Israel
M Klein, M Lichter
Applied Geography 26 (3-4), 210-226, 2006
Quantification of submarine groundwater discharge and optimal radium sampling distribution in the Lesina Lagoon, Italy
J Rapaglia, S Koukoulas, L Zaggia, M Lichter, G Manfé, AT Vafeidis
Journal of Marine Systems 91 (1), 11-19, 2012
Sea-level changes in the Mediterranean: past, present, and future–A review
M Lichter, D Zviely, M Klein, D Sivan
Seaweeds and their role in globally changing environments, 3-17, 2010
Morphological patterns of southeastern Mediterranean river mouths: The topographic setting of the beach as a forcing factor
M Lichter, D Zviely, M Klein
Geomorphology 123 (1-2), 1-12, 2010
Dynamic morphology of small south‐eastern Mediterranean river mouths: a conceptual model
M Lichter, M Klein, D Zviely
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 (4), 547-562, 2011
Coastal congestion: Simulating port expansion and land use change under zero-sum conditions
D Felsenstein, M Lichter, E Ashbel
Ocean & Coastal Management 101, 89-101, 2014
Recent sea-level changes along Israeli and Mediterranean coasts
M Klein, M Lichter, D Zviely
Horizons in Geography/אופקים בגאוגרפיה, 167-176, 2004
Land use change and management of coastal areas: Retrospect and prospect
D Felsenstein, M Lichter
Ocean & coastal management 101, 123-125, 2014
Dynamic agent based simulation of an urban disaster using synthetic big data
AY Grinberger, M Lichter, D Felsenstein
Seeing cities through big data: Research, methods and applications in urban …, 2017
The effect of river floods on the morphology of small river mouths in the southeastern Mediterranean.
M Lichter, M Klein
Simulating and communicating outcomes in disaster management situations
M Lichter, AY Grinberger, D Felsenstein
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4 (4), 1827-1847, 2015
Simulating urban resilience: Disasters, dynamics and (synthetic) data
AY Grinberger, M Lichter, D Felsenstein
Planning support systems and smart cities, 99-119, 2015
A spatially accurate method for evaluating distributional effects of ecosystem services
A Fleischer, D Felsenstein, M Lichter
Ecological Economics 145, 451-460, 2018
Vegetation cover influence on the morphology and migration patterns of river mouths
M Lichter, M Klein
Journal of coastal conservation 16, 317-333, 2012
Morphological changes in the last 200 years in the mouth of the Na’aman River, northern coastal plain, Israel
M Lichter, D Zviely, M Klein
Journal of Earth Science 58, 63-80, 2009
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Articles 1–20