Getachew Agegnehu
Getachew Agegnehu
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Benefits of biochar, compost and biochar–compost for soil quality, maize yield and greenhouse gas emissions in a tropical agricultural soil
G Agegnehu, AM Bass, PN Nelson, MI Bird
Science of the Total Environment 543, 295-306, 2016
The role of biochar and biochar-compost in improving soil quality and crop performance: A review
G Agegnehu, AK Srivastava, MI Bird
Applied soil ecology 119, 156-170, 2017
Yield performance and land-use efficiency of barley and faba bean mixed cropping in Ethiopian highlands
G Agegnehu, A Ghizaw, W Sinebo
European Journal of agronomy 25 (3), 202-207, 2006
Biochar and biochar-compost as soil amendments: Effects on peanut yield, soil properties and greenhouse gas emissions in tropical North Queensland, Australia
G Agegnehu, AM Bass, PN Nelson, B Muirhead, G Wright, MI Bird
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 213, 72-85, 2015
Fertilizer and soil fertility potential in Ethiopia: Constraints and opportunities for enhancing the system
G Zelleke, G Agegnehu, D Abera, S Rashid
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2010
Crop yield, plant nutrient uptake and soil physicochemical properties under organic soil amendments and nitrogen fertilization on Nitisols
G Agegnehu, PN Nelson, MI Bird
Soil and Tillage Research 160, 1-13, 2016
Yield potential and land-use efficiency of wheat and faba bean mixed intercropping
G Agegnehu, A Ghizaw, W Sinebo
Agronomy for sustainable development 28, 257-263, 2008
Integrated soil fertility and plant nutrient management in tropical agro-ecosystems: a review
G Agegnehu, T Amede
Pedosphere 27 (4), 662-680, 2017
The effects of biochar, compost and their mixture and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of barley grown on a Nitisol in the highlands of Ethiopia
G Agegnehu, PN Nelson, MI Bird
Science of the Total Environment 569, 869-879, 2016
Influence of integrated soil fertility management in wheat and tef productivity and soil chemical properties in the highland tropical environment
G Agegnehu, C Vanbeek, MI Bird
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 14 (3), 532-545, 2014
The ameliorating effects of biochar and compost on soil quality and plant growth on a Ferralsol
G Agegnehu, MI Bird, PN Nelson, AM Bass
Soil Research 53 (1), 1-12, 2015
Response of faba bean to phosphate fertilizer and weed control on nitisols of Ethiopian highlands
G Agegnehu, R Fessehaie
Italian Journal of Agronomy 1 (2), 281-290, 2006
Extent and management of acid soils for sustainable crop production system in the tropical agroecosystems: a review
G Agegnehu, T Amede, T Erkossa, C Yirga, C Henry, R Tyler, ...
Acta Agricultural Scandinavica, Section B—Soil & Plant Science, 1-18, 2021
Cropping sequence and nitrogen fertilizer effects on the productivity and quality of malting barley and soil fertility in the Ethiopian highlands
G Agegnehu, B Lakew, PN Nelson
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60 (9), 1261-1275, 2014
Barley Research and Development in Ethiopia
B Mulatu, S Grando
Proceedings of the, 2011
Soil acidity management
G Agegnehu, C Yirga, T Erkossa
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 21, 2019
Cropping systems, soil fertility, and crop management research on cool season food legumes in the central highlands of Ethiopia: A review
A Getachew, F Asnake, T Ayalew
Food and Forage Legumes of Ethiopia: Progress and Prospects, 135-145, 2006
On-farm integrated soil fertility management in wheat on Nitisols of central Ethiopian highlands
G Agegnehu, T Bekele
Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources 7 (2), 141-155, 2005
Evaluation of crop residue retention, compost and inorganic fertilizer application on barley productivity and soil chemical properties in the central Ethiopian highlands
G Agegnehu, A Tsigie, A Tesfaye
Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 (1), 45-61, 2012
Optimisation of the efficiency of phosphate fertilizers in acidic-ferralitic soils of the humid tropics
G Agegnehu, K Sommer
Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources 2 (1), 63-77, 2000
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Articles 1–20