Nestor Mora Nuñez
Nestor Mora Nuñez
Computer technology. Cadiz University.Spain
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Cited by
Cited by
CC–LR: providing interactive, challenging and attractive C ollaborative C omplex L earning R esources
S Caballé, N Mora, M Feidakis, D Gañán, J Conesa, T Daradoumis, ...
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 30 (1), 51-67, 2014
Providing a multi-fold assessment framework to virtualized collaborative learning in support for engineering education
N Mora Núñez, S Caballé, T Daradoumis
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 2016, 11 (7), 2016
Chatbot for communicating with university students in emergency situation
A Balderas, RF García-Mena, M Huerta, N Mora, JM Dodero
Heliyon 9 (9), 2023
Characterizing social network e-assessment in collaborative complex learning resources
N Mora, S Caballé, T Daradoumis, L Barolli, E Kulla, E Spaho
2014 Eighth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software …, 2014
Towards a multi-fold assessment approach to enrich the virtualization of collaborative learning
N Mora, S Caballé, T Daradoumis, D Gañan
2012 Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2012
Providing cognitive and social networking assessment to virtualized collaborative learning in engineering courses
N Mora, S Caballé, T Daradoumis, D Gañán, L Barolli
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative …, 2014
Collaborative complex learning objects in support for social and collaborative just-in-Time networking
N Mora, S Caballé
eLearn Center Research Paper Series, 2011
A methodology to evaluate complex learning resources to improve e-assessment from collaborative and networking settings
N Mora, S Caballé, T Daradoumis
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2015
CC-LO: A new type of learning object for the virtualization of live collaborative sessions
S Caballe, N Mora, I Dunwell, D Gan
2011 Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and …, 2011
Flip-Game Engineering and Technology Methodology
MHG de Merodio, JM Dodero, NM Núñez, JMP Núñez
Innovative Trends in Flipped Teaching and Adaptive Learning, 77-109, 2019
Towards collaborative complex learning objects by the virtualization of collaborative sessions
S Caballé, I Dunwell, A Pierri, F Zurolo, D Gañán, T Daradoumis, N Mora
Information Systems, E-learning, and Knowledge Management Research: 4th …, 2013
Aprendizaje colaborativo semipresencial basado en guiones
NM Núñez, M Huerta, SMS Martínez
Innovación docente y uso de las TIC en eduación: CD-ROM, 42, 2017
Improving e-assessment in collaborative and social learning settings
N Mora, S Caballé, T Daradoumis
2015 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative …, 2015
Chatbot to Provide Initial Assistance to Erasmus Students in Case of Emergency
RFG Mena, A Balderas, M Huerta, JM Dodero, NM Nuñez
Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological …, 2023
Prototyping a Cognitive Assessment System to Enrich the Virtualization of Collaborative Learning
S Caballé, N Mora, T Daradoumis, D Gañan, I Dunwell, A Pierri
2013 Seventh International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2013
Chatbot for communicating with university students in emergency situation
A Balderas Alberico, RF García-Mena, M Huerta Gómez de Merodio, ...
Cell Press, 2023
Smart NewMedia w sytuacji zagrożeń
A Balderas, NM Nuñez
New Media2 Creativity + Innovativenes + Modernity 1, 71-84, 2023
Evangelización en las redes sociales. Aspectos generales y propuestas de futuro
NM Núñez
Comunifé 21 (XXI), 47-53, 2021
Valoración colaborativa-interactiva de las actividades, mediante objetos de aprendizaje colaborativos y ubicuos (UCLO)
NM Núñez
Proyectos de INNOVACIÓN Y MEJORA DOCENTE 2018-2019, 2019
Training engineering students for the world of work: a case study
M Huerta, N Mora, C Armillas, JJ Núñez
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological …, 2018
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Articles 1–20