Félix J. López-Iturriaga
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Corporate boards in OECD countries: size, composition, functioning and effectiveness
P De Andres, V Azofra, F Lopez
Corporate Governance: An International Review 13 (2), 197-210, 2005
Bankruptcy visualization and prediction using neural networks: A study of US commercial banks
FJL Iturriaga, IP Sanz
Expert Systems with applications 42 (6), 2857-2869, 2015
The contest to the control in European family firms: How other shareholders affect firm value
M Jara‐Bertin, FJ López‐Iturriaga, Ó López‐de‐Foronda
Corporate governance: an international review 16 (3), 146-159, 2008
Do leverage, dividend payout, and ownership concentration influence firms' value creation? An analysis of Brazilian firms
FJL Iturriaga, VL Crisóstomo
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 46 (3), 80-94, 2010
Financial decisions and growth opportunities: a Spanish firm's panel data analysis
PA Alonso, FJL Iturriaga*, JAR Sanz
Applied Financial Economics 15 (6), 391-407, 2005
Firm performance and international diversification: The internal and external competitive advantages
AM Bobillo, F López-Iturriaga, F Tejerina-Gaite
International Business Review 19 (6), 607-618, 2010
Ownership structure, corporate value and firm investment: A simultaneous equations analysis of Spanish companies
FJ López-Iturriaga, JA Rodríguez-Sanz
Journal of Management and Governance 5, 179-204, 2001
Earnings management and internal mechanisms of corporate governance: Empirical evidence from Chilean firms
FJL Iturriaga, PS Hoffmann
Corporate Ownership & Control 3 (1), 17-29, 2005
Predicting public corruption with neural networks: An analysis of spanish provinces
FJ López-Iturriaga, IP Sanz
Social indicators research 140 (3), 975-998, 2018
Does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system
A Zattoni, MA Witt, WQ Judge, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Journal of World Business 52 (5), 628-639, 2017
Large shareholders’ power and the quality of corporate governance: An analysis of Brazilian firms
VL Crisostomo, I de Freitas Brandão, FJ López-Iturriaga
Research in international business and finance 51, 101076, 2020
Configurations of capacity for change in entrepreneurial threshold firms: Imprinting and strategic choice perspectives
WQ Judge, HW Hu, J Gabrielsson, T Talaulicar, MA Witt, A Zattoni, ...
Journal of Management Studies 52 (4), 506-530, 2015
Ownership structure, sharing of control and legal framework: International evidence
Ó López‐de‐Foronda, FJ López‐Iturriaga, M Santamaría‐Mariscal
Corporate Governance: An International Review 15 (6), 1130-1143, 2007
Earnings management and contests for control: An analysis of European family firms
M Jara, FJ López-Iturriaga
Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Española de Financiación y …, 2011
Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross‐national sample: A multilevel knowledge‐based view
WQ Judge, MA Witt, A Zattoni, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Strategic Management Journal 36 (8), 1174-1185, 2015
Board gender diversity and dividend payout: The critical mass and the family ties effect
E García-Meca, FJ López-Iturriaga, DJ Santana-Martín
International Review of Financial Analysis 79, 101973, 2022
Corporate governance in Latin American firms: Contestability of control and firm value
M Jara, F López-Iturriaga, P San-Martín, P Saona
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 22 (4), 257-274, 2019
Capital structure and institutional setting: a decompositional and international analysis
FJ López-Iturriaga, JA Rodriguez-Sanz
Applied Economics 40 (14), 1851-1864, 2008
Boards of directors and firm performance: the effect of multiple directorships
FJ López Iturriaga, I Morrós Rodríguez
Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Espanola de Financiacion y …, 2014
Institutional investors on boards: Does their behavior influence corporate finance?
E García-Meca, F López-Iturriaga, F Tejerina-Gaite
Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2), 365-382, 2017
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Articles 1–20