Michel Bruneau
Cited by
Cited by
A framework to quantitatively assess and enhance the seismic resilience of communities
M Bruneau, SE Chang, RT Eguchi, GC Lee, TD O'Rourke, AM Reinhorn, ...
Earthquake spectra 19 (4), 733-752, 2003
Framework for analytical quantification of disaster resilience
GP Cimellaro, AM Reinhorn, M Bruneau
Engineering Structures 32 (11), 3639-3649, 2010
Ductile Design of Steel Structures
M Bruneau, CM Uang, R Sabelli
McGraw-Hill, 2011
Conceptualizing and measuring resilience: A key to disaster loss reduction
K Tierney, M Bruneau
TR news, 2007
Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings
Seismic resilience of a hospital system
GP Cimellaro, AM Reinhorn, M Bruneau
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 6 (1-2), 127-144, 2010
Exploring the concept of seismic resilience for acute care facilities
M Bruneau, A Reinhorn
Earthquake Spectra 23 (1), 41-62, 2007
Plastic analysis and design of steel plate shear walls
J Berman, M Bruneau
Journal of Structural Engineering 129 (11), 1448-1456, 2003
Experimental investigation of light-gauge steel plate shear walls
JW Berman, M Bruneau
Journal of Structural Engineering 131 (2), 259-267, 2005
Performance of steel structures during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
R Tremblay, A Filiatrault, P Timler, M Bruneau
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 22 (2), 338-360, 1995
A framework for defining and measuring resilience at the community scale: The PEOPLES resilience framework
A Frazier, L Arendt, GP Cimellaro, AM Reinhorn, M Bruneau
MCEER, 2010
Overview of the resilience concept
M Bruneau, A Reinhorn
Proceedings of the 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 18-22, 2006
State-of-the-art report on seismic performance of unreinforced masonry buildings
M Bruneau
Journal of Structural Engineering 120 (1), 230-251, 1994
Design guide 20: steel plate shear walls
R Sabelli, M Bruneau
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL, 2007
Special perforated steel plate shear walls with reduced beam section anchor beams. I: Experimental investigation
D Vian, M Bruneau, KC Tsai, YC Lin
Journal of structural engineering 135 (3), 211-220, 2009
Seismic design of steel buildings: lessons from the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake
R Tremblay, A Filiatrault, M Bruneau, M Nakashima, HGL Prion, R DeVall
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 23 (3), 727-756, 1996
Experimental investigation of multihazard resistant bridge piers having concrete-filled steel tube under blast loading
S Fujikura, M Bruneau, D Lopez-Garcia
Journal of Bridge Engineering 13 (6), 586-594, 2008
Developing the “PEOPLES” resilience framework for defining and measuring disaster resilience at the community scale
CS Renschler, AE Frazier, LA Arendt, GP Cimellaro, AM Reinhorn, ...
Proceedings of the 9th US national and 10th Canadian conference on …, 2010
Physical infrastructure interdependency and regional resilience index after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan
GP Cimellaro, D Solari, M Bruneau
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 43 (12), 1763-1784, 2014
Resilience-based design of natural gas distribution networks
GP Cimellaro, O Villa, M Bruneau
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 21 (1), 05014005, 2014
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Articles 1–20