Ramzi Saifan
Cited by
Cited by
MT-CHR: A modified threshold-based cluster head replacement protocol for wireless sensor networks
KA Darabkh, S Wala'a, M Hawa, R Saifan
Computers & Electrical Engineering 72, 926-938, 2018
An efficient reversible data hiding algorithm using two steganographic images
IF Jafar, KA Darabkh, RT Al-Zubi, RR Saifan
Signal Processing 128, 98-109, 2016
An efficient speech recognition system for arm‐disabled students based on isolated words
KA Darabkh, L Haddad, SZ Sweidan, M Hawa, R Saifan, SH Alnabelsi
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26 (2), 285-301, 2018
A novel clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks
KA Darabkh, M Hawa, R Saifan, K Ala'F
2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing …, 2017
Efficient spectrum searching and monitoring in cognitive radio network
R Saifan, AE Kamal, Y Guan
2011 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor …, 2011
Analysis of strong password using keystroke dynamics authentication in touch screen devices
A Salem, D Zaidan, A Swidan, R Saifan
2016 Cybersecurity and Cyberforensics Conference (CCC), 15-21, 2016
Mobility and direction aware ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing protocol
A Swidan, HB Abdelghany, R Saifan, Z Zilic
Procedia Computer Science 94, 49-56, 2016
Kids’ tracker: An android application for tracking children
SZ Sweidan, R Saifan, KA Darabkh, S Abu-Kaff, S Al-Ali
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 10 (13), 907-924, 2017
Six skin diseases classification using deep convolutional neural network
R Saifan, F Jubair
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 12 (3), 3072, 2022
A cross-layer routing protocol (CLRP) for cognitive radio network
R Saifan, AE Kamal, Y Guan
2013 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 896-901, 2013
Probabilistic and deterministic path selection in cognitive radio network
R Saifan, AM Msaeed, KA Darabkh
IET Communications 13 (17), 2767-2777, 2019
A machine learning based deaf assistance digital system
RR Saifan, W Dweik, M Abdel‐Majeed
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26 (4), 1008-1019, 2018
Address resolution protocol (ARP): Spoofing attack and proposed defense
G Al Sukkar, R Saifan, S Khwaldeh, M Maqableh, I Jafar
Scientific Research Publishing, 2016
Investigating algorithmic stock market trading using ensemble machine learning methods
R Saifan, K Sharif, M Abu-Ghazaleh, M Abdel-Majeed
Informatica 44 (3), 2020
Spectrum decision for efficient routing in cognitive radio network
R Saifan, AE Kamal, Y Guan
2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2012
A Survey of behavioral authentication using keystroke dynamics: Touch screens and mobile devices
R Saifan, A Salem, D Zaidan, A Swidan
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) 5 (1), 29-41, 2016
SARDH: A novel sharpening-aware reversible data hiding algorithm
IF Jafar, KA Darabkh, RR Saifan
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 39, 239-252, 2016
JavaSim-IBFD-CRNs: Novel java simulator for in-band Full-Duplex cognitive radio networks over Internet of Things environment
KA Darabkh, OM Amro, RT Al-Zubi, HB Salameh, R Saifan
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 172, 102833, 2020
Optimized cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms in cognitive radio networks
R Saifan, I Jafar, G Al Sukkar
The Computer Journal 60 (6), 835-849, 2017
A multi-layer hyper-graph routing with jamming-awareness for improved throughput in full-duplex cognitive radio networks
SH Alnabelsi, HB Salameh, RR Saifan, KA Darabkh
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (8 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20