Martin Wijaya
Martin Wijaya
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Cited by
Equation for unimodal and bimodal soil–water characteristic curves
M Wijaya, EC Leong
Soils and Foundations 56 (2), 291-300, 2016
Effect of shrinkage on air-entry value of soils
M Wijaya, EC Leong, H Rahardjo
Soils and foundations 55 (1), 166-180, 2015
Universal soil shrinkage curve equation
EC Leong, M Wijaya
Geoderma 237, 78-87, 2015
Modelling the effect of density on the unimodal soil-water characteristic curve
M Wijaya, EC Leong
Géotechnique 67 (7), 637-645, 2017
Stability and consolidation of sediment tailings incorporating unsaturated soil mechanics
A Satyanaga, M Wijaya, Q Zhai, SW Moon, J Pu, JR Kim
Fluids 6 (12), 423, 2021
Performance of high-capacity tensiometer in constant water content oedometer test
M Wijaya, EC Leong
International Journal of Geo-Engineering 7, 1-15, 2016
Swelling and collapse of unsaturated soils due to inundation under one-dimensional loading
M Wijaya, EC Leong
Indian Geotechnical Journal 46, 239-251, 2016
CRS compression tests of an unsaturated kaolin with pore-water pressure measurement
M Wijaya, EC Leong, H Rahardjo
Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, 1639-1643, 2020
Examining the contact filter paper method in the low suction range
EC Leong, M Wijaya, WY Tong, Y Lu
Geotechnical Testing Journal 43 (6), 1567-1573, 2020
High-suction polymer sensor for measurement of soil suction under freezing and thawing conditions
GD Aventian, A Satyanaga, A Zhakiyeva, AH Hamdany, M Wijaya, ...
Cold Regions Science and Technology 218, 104080, 2024
Practical approach for assessing wetting-induced slope failure
GA Adiguna, M Wijaya, PP Rahardjo, A Sugianto, A Satyanaga, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (3), 1811, 2023
Numerical simulation on the effect of infiltration and evapotranspiration on the residual slope
AH Hamdany, M Wijaya, A Satyanaga, H Rahardjo, Z Qian, A Lim, J Kim
Sustainability 15 (11), 8653, 2023
Modelling shrinkage behaviour of soft soils
M Wijaya, EC Leong
Proceedings of softsoils 2014, 2014
Hydraulic characteristics and incubation methods for enhancing durability of Fungi-Mycelium treated silica sand using Rhizopus oligosporus and Rhizopus oryzae combination
A Lim, JY Sunaryo, M Wijaya, A Satyanaga, AP Kristijarti
Biogeotechnics 2 (1), 100066, 2024
EPS-Geofoam as Lightweight material for Replacement of Embankment Fill to Overcome Landslide Problems at STA 40+ 200 of Cisumdawu Toll Road, West Java
PP Rahardjo, BW Anggoro, M Wijaya, DP Seourin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1249 (1), 012001, 2023
The Determination of Downhole Dynamic Compaction Paramaters Based on Finite Element Analysis
M Wijaya, AK Arsyad, A Lim, PP Rahardjo
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum, 257-266, 2022
Sediment transport patterns of channels on tidal lowland
A Syarifudin, A Satyanaga, M Wijaya, SW Moon, J Kim
Fluids 7 (8), 277, 2022
Discussion of “Permeability function for oil sands tailings undergoing volume change during drying”
M Wijaya, EC Leong
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (2), 300-302, 2019
Shrinkage curves for powder and granular bentonites
M Wijaya, EC Leong, H Abuel-Naga
E3S Web of Conferences 92, 07009, 2019
Compression, shrinkage and wetting-induced volume change of unsaturated soils
M Wijaya
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Articles 1–20