Groundwater quality assessment of urban Bengaluru using multivariate statistical techniques MS Gulgundi, A Shetty Applied water science 8, 1-15, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
Analysis of variability and trends in rainfall over northern Ethiopia G Kiros, A Shetty, L Nandagiri Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-12, 2016 | 101 | 2016 |
Spatial variation in drainage characteristics and geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH); implications for watershed management—a case study of the Varada River basin … TN Bhagwat, A Shetty, VS Hegde Catena 87 (1), 52-59, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Lithological discrimination and mapping using ASTER SWIR Data in the Udaipur area of Rajasthan, India C Kumar, A Shetty, S Raval, R Sharma, PKC Ray Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11, 180-188, 2015 | 79 | 2015 |
A comparative study of image change detection algorithms in MATLAB S Minu, A Shetty Aquatic procedia 4, 1366-1373, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
Inter comparison of post-fire burn severity indices of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 imagery using Google Earth Engine P Konkathi, A Shetty Earth Science Informatics 14 (2), 645-653, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Performance evaluation of SWAT model for land use and land cover changes in semi-arid climatic conditions: a review G Kiros, A Shetty, L Nandagiri Hydrology: Current Research 6 (3), 7, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Land use-land cover mapping using satellite data for a forested watershed, Udupi district, Karnataka State, India A Shetty, L Nandagiri, S Thokchom, MVS Rajesh | 33 | 2005 |
Extreme rainfall signatures under changing climate in semi-arid northern highlands of Ethiopia G Kiros, A Shetty, L Nandagiri Cogent Geoscience 3 (1), 1353719, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
Performance evaluation of hyperspectral classification algorithms on AVIRIS mineral data RN Adep, AP Vijayan, A Shetty, H Ramesh Perspectives in Science 8, 722-726, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
A comparative analysis of forest fire risk zone mapping methods with expert knowledge H Yathish, KV Athira, K Preethi, U Pruthviraj, A Shetty Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 47, 2047-2060, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Participatory local level assessment of life support systems, A methodology manual M Gadgil, KP Achar, A Shetty, A Ganguly, H Nagendra, HR Bhat, ... Bangalore (India): Centre for Ecologial Science. Techinical Report, 2000 | 24 | 2000 |
Trends in extreme rainfall over ecologically sensitive Western Ghats and coastal regions of Karnataka: an observational assessment VD Chandrashekar, A Shetty Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-13, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Sub-pixel mineral mapping using EO-1 hyperion hyperspectral data C Kumar, A Shetty, S Raval, PK Champatiray, R Sharma The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
The role of atmospheric correction algorithms in the prediction of soil organic carbon from Hyperion data S Minu, A Shetty, B Minasny, C Gomez International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (23), 6435-6456, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Mapping agewise discrimination of arecanut crop water requirement using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing BE Bhojaraja, G Hegde, U Pruthviraj, A Shetty, MK Nagaraj Aquatic Procedia 4, 1437-1444, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
Land cover change and its implication to hydrological regimes and soil erosion in Awash River basin, Ethiopia: a systematic review SY Tola, A Shetty Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193 (12), 836, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Source apportionment of groundwater pollution using unmix and positive matrix factorization MS Gulgundi, A Shetty Environmental Processes 6, 457-473, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Review of preprocessing techniques used in soil property prediction from hyperspectral data S Minu, A Shetty, B Gopal Cogent Geoscience 2 (1), 1145878, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Application of remote sensing and GIS for identification of potential ground water recharge sites in Semi-arid regions of Hard-rock terrain, in north Karnataka, South India TN Bhagwat, VS Hegde, A Shetty Sustainable Water Resources Management 4, 1063-1076, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |