Nicolas Roux
Nicolas Roux
Post Doc., institute of social ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
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The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations
AL Fanning, DW O’Neill, J Hickel, N Roux
Nature Sustainability 5 (1), 26-36, 2022
Does agricultural trade reduce pressure on land ecosystems? Decomposing drivers of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production
N Roux, T Kastner, KH Erb, H Haberl
Ecological Economics 181, 106915, 2021
The phosphorus legacy offers opportunities for agro-ecological transition (France 1850–2075)
J Le Noë, N Roux, G Billen, S Gingrich, KH Erb, F Krausmann, V Thieu, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (6), 064022, 2020
Quantifying and attributing land use-induced carbon emissions to biomass consumption: A critical assessment of existing approaches
M Bhan, S Gingrich, N Roux, J Le Noë, T Kastner, S Matej, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 286, 112228, 2021
Embodied HANPP of feed and animal products: Tracing pressure on ecosystems along trilateral livestock supply chains 1986–2013
N Roux, L Kaufmann, M Bhan, J Le Noe, S Matej, P Laroche, T Kastner, ...
Science of the Total Environment 851, 158198, 2022
Impacts of Scaling up Agroecology on the Sustainability of European Agriculture in 2050
A Mayer, G Kalt, L Kaufmann, E Röös, A Muller, R Weisshaidinger, ...
EuroChoices 21 (3), 27-36, 2022
The misinterpretation of structure effects of the LMDI and an alternative index decomposition
N Roux, B Plank
MethodsX 9, 101698, 2022
Toward spatial fit in the governance of global commodity flows
J Coenen, G Sonderegger, J Newig, P Meyfroidt, E Challies, SL Bager, ...
Ecology and Society 28 (2), 2023
Combining biophysical modeling and Polanyian theory pleads for a re-embedding of the agricultural system in 2050 in Austria
J Le Noë, S Gingrich, M Pichler, N Roux, L Kaufmann, A Mayer, C Lauk
Environmental Science & Policy 139, 228-239, 2023
Product level dataset on embodied human appropriation of net primary production
N Roux, L Kaufmann, S Matej, T Kastner, A Bondeau, H Haberl, K Erb
Data in Brief 51, 109725, 2023
Combining Biophysical Modeling and Social Theory Pledges for a Re-Embedding of the Agri-Food System in 2050 in Austria
J Le Noe, S Gingrich, M Pichler, N Roux, L Kaufmann, A Mayer, C Lauk
ECOLEC-D-21-02255, 2022
Die Auswirkungen einer großflächigen Verbreitung von agrarökologischen Maßnahmen auf die Nachhaltigkeit der europäischen Landwirtschaft im Jahr 2050
A Mayer, G Kalt, L Kaufmann, E Röös, A Muller, R Weisshaidinger, ...
EuroChoices, 2022
Spillovers in telecouled biomass supply chains: unraveling the role of intermediate countries in driving pressure on land ecosystems
N Roux, KH Erb, H Haberl, L Kaufmann, S Gingrich
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, GC56D-07, 2022
Land use, land use change and forestry-Review of EU rules Public consultation
N Roux, M Bhan, A Magerl
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Articles 1–14