Melissa Intindola
Melissa Intindola
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Cited by
Strategic human resource management of volunteers and the link to hospital patient satisfaction
SE Rogers, K Jiang, CM Rogers, M Intindola
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 45 (2), 409-424, 2016
Exploring absorptive capacity in cross-sector social partnerships
TG Pittz, M Intindola
Management Decision 53 (6), 1170-1183, 2015
The evolution of devolution in HR
M Intindola, JY Weisinger, P Benson, T Pittz
Personnel Review 46 (8), 1796-1815, 2017
Collaborating smartly: the role of open strategy in absorptive capacity
TG Pittz, ML Intindola, T Adler, S Rogers, C Gard
Journal of Small Business Management 57 (4), 1595-1615, 2019
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times: The expiration of work–life balance
JP Ross, ML Intindola, DM Boje
Journal of Management Inquiry 26 (2), 202-215, 2017
The episodic spiral model: a new approach to organizational processes
DM Boje, H Baca-Greif, M Intindola, S Elias
Journal of Organizational Change Management 30 (5), 683-709, 2017
With a little help from my friends: multi-sector collaboration and strategic decision-making
M Intindola, J Weisinger, C Gomez
Management Decision 54 (10), 2562-2586, 2016
Web-based recruiting’s impact on organizational image and familiarity: Too much of a good thing?
ML Intindola, G Lewis, C Flinchbaugh, SE Rogers
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 30 (19), 2732-2753, 2019
Partner selection in social entrepreneurship collectives: How team selection control can enhance satisfaction in cross-sector social partnerships
ML Intindola, TG Pittz, SE Rogers, JY Weisinger
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 11 (3), 343-368, 2020
Preparing potential leaders: Facilitating a learning experience on LMX and fairness in the workplace
J Ross, M Valenzuela, M Intindola, C Flinchbaugh
The International Journal of Management Education 15 (1), 84-97, 2017
'COPE'ing with institutional pressures: a reintroduction of pragmatism to the study of organisations
TG Pittz, DM Boje, ML Intindola, S Nicholson
International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 10 (2), 113-129, 2017
Machismo in Organizations: Individual Predictors & Context-Dependent Outcomes
ML Intindola, RP Jacobson, KJL Jacobson, RG DelCampo
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 28, 113-131, 2016
Scrimmage! Teaching quantitative literacy through a multidimensional simulation
D Hains, M Intindola, D Lepisto, B Wagner
The International Journal of Management Education 17 (1), 119-129, 2019
Acculturative stress: Untold stories of international students in the US
MA Valenzuela, S Palacios, ML Intindola
Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 13 (4), 2015
Change through chaos: using bricolage in cross-sector social partnerships
M Intindola, L Ofstein
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 24 (2), 122-136, 2021
Opportunity or Opportunism? An Examination of International Recruitment via Employer and Nation Branding Strategies
TG Pittz, PG Benson, ML Intindola, M Kalargiros
Business & Professional Ethics Journal, 157-176, 2017
Hospital administrative characteristics and volunteer resource management practices
M Intindola, S Rogers, C Flinchbaugh, D Della Pietra
Journal of health organization and management 30 (3), 372-389, 2016
Creeping COVID catastrophe: the impact of COVID-19 on nonprofits by sector
M Intindola, C Burke-Kolehmainen
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 2023
Scaling social innovation
TG Pittz, ML Intindola
Scaling Social Innovation Through Cross-sector Social Partnerships: Driving …, 2021
HRM and disenfranchisement: Working beyond organizational boundaries to tackle societal barriers
ML Intindola, CL Stamper
Human Resource Management Review 33 (3), 100965, 2023
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Articles 1–20