Seong-Jin Park
Seong-Jin Park
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Cited by
Rdfnet: Rgb-d multi-level residual feature fusion for indoor semantic segmentation
SJ Park, KS Hong, S Lee
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 4980-4989, 2017
Srfeat: Single image super-resolution with feature discrimination
SJ Park, H Son, S Cho, KS Hong, S Lee
Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 439-455, 2018
Meta variance transfer: Learning to augment from the others
SJ Park, S Han, JW Baek, I Kim, J Song, HB Lee, JJ Han, SJ Hwang
International conference on machine learning, 7510-7520, 2020
Defocus and motion blur detection with deep contextual features
B Kim, H Son, SJ Park, S Cho, S Lee
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (7), 277-288, 2018
Discface: Minimum discrepancy learning for deep face recognition
I Kim, S Han, SJ Park, JW Baek, J Shin, JJ Han, C Choi
Proceedings of the Asian conference on computer vision, 2020
Quality-agnostic image recognition via invertible decoder
I Kim, S Han, J Baek, SJ Park, JJ Han, J Shin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Recovering an indoor 3D layout with top-down semantic segmentation from a single image
SJ Park, KS Hong
Pattern Recognition Letters 68, 70-75, 2015
Video semantic object segmentation by self-adaptation of DCNN
SJ Park, KS Hong
Pattern Recognition Letters 112, 249-255, 2018
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Articles 1–8