Colleen O'Brien Cherry
Cited by
Cited by
Expanding stroke telerehabilitation services to rural veterans: a qualitative study on patient experiences using the robotic stroke therapy delivery and monitoring system program
COB Cherry, NR Chumbler, K Richards, A Huff, D Wu, LM Tilghman, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 12 (1), 21-27, 2017
Healthcare providers’ perceptions and self-reported fall prevention practices: findings from a large New York health system
ML Smith, JA Stevens, H Ehrenreich, AD Wilson, RJ Schuster, ...
Frontiers in public health 3, 17, 2015
Building a “Better Life” the transformative effects of adolescent pregnancy and parenting
C O’Brien Cherry, N Chumbler, J Bute, A Huff
sage Open 5 (1), 2158244015571638, 2015
Do they really “know nothing”? An inquiry into ethnobotanical knowledge of students in Arizona, USA
CM O’Brien
University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2010
An in-depth mixed-methods approach to Ryan White HIV/AIDS care program comprehensive needs assessment from the Northeast Georgia Public Health District: The significance of …
A Huff, N Chumbler, COB Cherry, M Hill, V Veguilla
Evaluation and program planning 49, 137-148, 2015
Prevalence of risk factors for the metabolic syndrome in the middle income Caribbean nation of st. Lucia
COB Cherry, E Serieux, M Didier, ME Nuttal, RJ Schuster
Advances in Preventive Medicine 2014 (1), 501972, 2014
A culture of care: the French approach to cardiovascular risk factor management
COB Cherry, O Steichen, A Mathew, D Duhot, G Hebbrecht, RJ Schuster
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 25 (4), 477-486, 2012
The Clinician Engagement and Education Session: Modernizing “Academic Detailing”
RJ Schuster, COB Cherry, ML Smith
American Journal of Medical Quality 28 (6), 533-535, 2013
Why women are conservation leaders in rural Costa Rica
J Nichols, C O'Brien, JE Heimlich
Journal of forestry 96 (12), 24-28, 1998
The applied anthropology of obesity: Prevention, intervention, and identity
ML Alfonso, S Arias-Steele, E Bissett, A Borovoy, A Brewis, S Bruna, ...
Lexington Books, 2015
Variation and transmission of Sonoran wild food knowledge in Southern Arizona
C O'Brien Cherry
Ecology of food and nutrition 53 (1), 1-23, 2014
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Physician Management of Obesity. Comparing the US, France, Israel and Japan: Little Interest and Little Success
RJ Schuster, CB Cherry, S Zelbar-Sagi, H Yeshua, A Matalon
Primary Health Care 4 (166), 2167-1079.1000166, 2014
Rewriting Life Narratives: Positive Coping Mechanisms in Adolescent Mothers
NR Chumbler, S Ganashen, COB Cherry, DG Wright, JJ Bute
Special Social Groups, Social Factors and Disparities in Health and Health …, 2016
Expanding collaborative technologies in rural veteran health care using tele-robotic stroke therapy delivery and monitoring systems.
COB Cherry, LM Tilghman, NR Chumbler, K Richards, D Wu, A Butler, ...
CTS, 477-478, 2015
Israeli physicians’ approach to cardiovascular risk factor management: a survey
RJ Schuster, S Zelber, H Yeshua, COB Cherry, A Matalon
Journal of the American Society of Hypertension 8 (4), e126-e127, 2014
Primary Health Care: Open Access
RJ Schuster, COB Cherry, S Zelbar-Sagi, H Yeshua, A Matalon, ...
Assessing the importance of forest conservation in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica: management concerns of women community leaders
CM O'Brien
The Ohio State University, 1998
Research Article Prevalence of Risk Factors for the Metabolic Syndrome in the Middle Income Caribbean Nation of St. Lucia
COB Cherry, E Serieux, M Didier, ME Nuttal, RJ Schuster
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Articles 1–18